- Tenbohlen, S., Picher, P., Zhang, X., Fofana, I., Wang, Z.: Overloading of power transformers. Transformer Magazin. 11, (2024).
- Sulejmani, E., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Untersuchung von Gleichtaktströmen in induktiven Kfz-Ladesystemen und deren Auswirkungen auf Magnetfeldemissionen. Presented at the EMV Köln 2024 , Cologne, Germany March (2024). https://doi.org/10.15488/16991.
- Gruber, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Modellierung der Motor-Impedanz einer elektrisch erregten Synchronmaschine anhand von Messungen im aktiven und passiven Betrieb. Presented at the EMV Köln 2024 , Cologne, Germany March (2024). https://doi.org/10.15488/16962.
- Londono M., A.F., Rudion, K.: Modeling and Assessment of Unidirectional Charging Strategies for Electric Vans in Last-Mile Parcel Delivery Operations. Presented at the The Sixteenth Annual IEEE Green Technologies (GreenTech) Conference , Springdale, Arkansas, USA April (2024).
- Ranzinger, L., Uhrig, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Analysis and Modeling the Frequency Response of Rotating Machines Regarding Fault Diagnosis Using SFRA. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 39, 747–756 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1109/TEC.2023.3315341.
- Dang, P.B., Tenbohlen, S., Schultheiß, M.: Messung und Modellierung der Temperaturverteilung von Erdkabeln. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2024 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen June (2024).
- Fischer, N.-L., Walz, K., Rudion, K.: Combined Modelling of Different Electric Vehicle Fleets for Estimation of Grid Impact and Flexibility Potential. Presented at the CIRED Workshop , Austria, Vienna June (2024).
- Probst, F.L., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Alsdorf, K.A.: Onsite Messung von transienten Überspannungen mittels kapazitiver Feldsensoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2024 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen June (2024).
- Supa Stölben, I.R., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Electromagnetic Compatibility Assessment of Electric Vehicles during DC-Charging with European Combined Charging System. Presented at the 2024 Stuttgart International Symposium , Stuttgart, Germany July (2024). https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-3008.
- Yang, Y., Shen, S., Zhang, F., Ji, S., Ekanayake, C., Saha, T.K., Tenbohlen, S., Jarman, P., Wang, Z.: A review of transformer FRA measurement and diagnosis techniques. Transformer Magazin. 10, 96–109 (2023).
- Siegel, M., Kattmann, C., Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Partial Discharge Monitoring of Power Transformers by Calibrated UHF Measurements. Journal of Energy. 72, (2023).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beura, C.P., Sikorski, W., Albarracín Sánchez, R., de Castro, B.A. de C., Beltle, M., Fehlmann, P., Judd, M., Werner, F., Siegel, M.: Frequency Range of UHF PD Measurements in Power Transformers. Energies 2023. 16, (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031395.
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Transformer Winding Fault Classification and Condition Assessment Based on Random Forest Using FRA. Energies 2023. 16, (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16093714.
- Deepak, D., Rudion, K., John, C., Abele, H.: Investigation of the Short-Circuit Power Significance in Converterbased Power Systems. Presented at the ETG Kongress 2023 , Kassel, Germany May (2023).
- Burkhardt, P., Rudion, K., Frank, A.: Blindleistungssteuerung von dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen zur Verlustreduktion in 110 kV-Netzen mittels linearer Optimierung. Presented at the ETG Kongress 2023 , Kassel, Germany May (2023).
- Walz, K., Rudion, K.: Zeitreihenbasierte Modellierung des Ladebedarfs batterie-elektrischer Lkw für die probabilistische Netzplanung. Presented at the ETG Kongress 2023 , Kassel, Germany May (2023).
- Pfleger, D., Wagner, C., Schulz, R., Rudion, K.: Elektrifizierung des Stückgutverkehrs – Vorgehensweise zur virtuellen Elektrifizierung in einer Großstadt. In: Tagungsband. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-39438-7.
- Kratz, K., Müller, S., Rudion, K., Körner, C.: Investigation of grid-serving flexibility provision by electric vehicles in a distribution grid. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) , Rome, Italy June (2023).
- Burkhardt, P., Rudion, K., Frank, A., Probst, A.: Evaluation of Transit Power Flows in High Voltage Distribution Grids using Fuzzy Logic. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) , Rome, Italy June (2023).
- Berkemeier, R., Bach, R., Tenbohlen, S.: Partial discharge detection and 3d-Localization at 110-kV-cable terminations using UHF-Sensors. Presented at the The 11th Leading International Conference and Exhibition on Insulated Power Cables, JiCable , Lyon, France June (2023).
- Fischer, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gentsch, D., Ebbinghaus, W.: Influence of Switching Contact Materials with Superimposed Axial Magnetic Field on the Vacuum Arc’s Chopping Behavior. Presented at the 30th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV) , Okinawa, Japan June (2023).
- Probst, F.L., da Luz, M.V.F., Tenbohlen, S.: Modeling of a capacitive voltage transformer for evaluation of transient response in conformity with the IEC 61869-5 Standard. Electric Power Systems Research. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109591.
- Müller, S., Rudion, K., Frankenbach, M.A., Exner, C.: Evaluation of Quota-Based Predictive Congestion Management in Active Distribution Networks. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) , Rome, Italy June (2023).
- Deepak, D., Buchner, M., Rudion, K., John, C., Abele, H.: Short-circuit currents characterization for future converter-based power systems. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) , Rome, Italy June (2023).
- Wagner, C., Walz, K., Rudion, K., Burghof, D., Mauser, I.: Vehicle-to-home or battery energy storage systems - a comparison of the potential usage in smart homes. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) , Rome, Italy June (2023). https://doi.org/10.1049/icp.2023.0679.
- Ranzinger, L., Uhrig, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rieder, T.: Detecting Ground Faults in Synchronous Machines using Sweep-Frequency-Response-Analysis (SFRA). Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Ranzinger, L., Uhrig, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Recommendations for the use of the Sweep-Frequency-Response-Analysis method for fault diagnosis on rotating machines. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Probst, F.L., Beltle, M., Gerber, M., Tenbohlen, S., Alsdorf, K.A.: Using capacitive electric field sensors to measure transient overvoltages: a case study. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Berkemeier, R., Bach, R., Tenbohlen, S.: 3D-Localization of Partial Discharge in XLPE-Cable-Terminations using UHF-Sensors. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Beura, C.P., Wenger, P., Tozan, E., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Localization of Partial Discharge Sources in Power Transformers using Neural Networks. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Gerber, M., Sauter, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of the Influence of Solar Radiation on the Thermal Modeling of Power Transformers. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Baronat, L., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: Measurement System for Surface Potentials in Realistic HVDC-GIS Environments. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- He, C., Tenbohlen, S., Bux, J.: Improvement of a Loop Antenna for Partial Discharge Measurement of Inverter-fed Hairpin Motors. Presented at the 25th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023) , Glasgow, UK August (2023).
- Supa Stölben, I.R., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Eidher, R., Spanos, K., Rischmüller, V.: Influences of Ground Connection and Cable Length on the EMC behavior of Electric Vehicles during Conductive Charging Operations. Presented at the 2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe , Krakow, Poland September (2023).
- Gruber, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Measurement and Simulation of the Shielding Effectiveness of Planar Material with Apertures using a ASTM D4935 TEM Cell. Presented at the 2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe , Krakow, Poland September (2023). https://doi.org/10.1109/EMCEurope57790.2023.10274278.
- Probst, F.L., Beltle, M., Gerber, M., Tenbohlen, S., Alsdorf, K.A.: Measurement of switching transient overvoltages with a capacitive electric field sensor. Electric Power Systems Research. 223, (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109619.
- Fischer, N.-L., Rudion, K.: Forecasting the Flexibility Potential of Electric Vehicles Limited by Individual Charging Targets. Presented at the 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Grenoble, France October (2023).
- Sulejmani, E., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: EMC of Inductive Automotive Charging Systems According to Standard SAE J2954. Vehicles 2023. 5, 1532–1552 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles5040083.
- Tenbohlen, S., Hanif, Z., Martin, D.: Analysis of Major Failures of Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & 6th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management”, ICTRAM , Split, Croatia November (2023).
- Beck, J., Fischer, N.-L., Rudion, K.: Modeling High Power Chargers at Highway Rest Stops Using Data on Real Usage Behavior. Presented at the PESS 2023 , Bochum, Germany November (2023).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beura, C.P., Sikorski, W., Albarracín Sánchez, R., de Castro, B.A. de C., Beltle, M., Fehlmann, P., Judd, M., Werner, F., Siegel, M.: HF Emission Spectra of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & 6th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management”, ICTRAM , Split, Croatia November (2023).
- Siegel, M., Kattmann, C., Beura, C.P., Tenbohlen, S.: HF Emission Spectra of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & 6th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management”, ICTRAM , Split, Croatia November (2023).
- Coenen, S., Markalous, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hoek, S., Fehlmann, P., Schwarz, R., Linn, T., Kempf, U., Weber, M., Fuhr, J., e.a.: Improvements to PD measurements for factory and site acceptance tests of power transformers. Cigré Technical Brochure. 861, (2022).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beura, C.P., Siegel, M.: Condition Assessment of Power Transformers by UHF PD Measurements. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Kitakyushu, Japan (2022).
- Streubel, T., Kattmann, C., Eisenmann, A., Rudion, K.: Characterization of Supraharmonic Emission from Three Different Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures in Time and Frequency Domain. Energies 2022. 15, (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/en15020394.
- Tyroller, K., Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: Comprehensive Day-Ahead Marketing Model Considering N-1 Security and Renewables. Journal of Energy Engineering. 149, (2022).
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: Power Quality Mitigation via Smart Demand-Side Management Based on a Genetic Algorithm. Energies 2022. 15, (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041492.
- Khandan, S., Gerber, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Untersuchung der thermischen Überlastbarkeit von Leistungstransformatoren. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. 139, 110–118 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00502-022-00999-1.
- Früh, H., Müller, S., Contreras, D., Rudion, K., von Haken, A., Surmann, B.: Coordinated Vertical Provision of Flexibility from Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 38, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3162041.
- Coenen, S., Markalous, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hoek, S., Fehlmann, P., Schwarz, R., Linn, T., Kempf, U., Weber, M., Fuhr, J.: Improvements to PD measurements for factory and site acceptance tests of power transformers. ELECTRA. (2022).
- Pradhan, A.K., Tenbohlen, S.: Oil Conductivity Estimation of Transformer Insulation by Switching Impulse Application. IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation. 29, 420–427 (2022).
- Müller, S., Früh, H., Rudion, K., von Haken, A., Surmann, B.: Evaluation of the Feasible Provision of Flexibility in Distribution Networks with Advanced Grid Monitoring. Presented at the 2022 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS , Manchester, Great Britain June (2022).
- Gerber, M., Tenbohlen, S., Majer, N., Lainck, T.: Thermische Modellierung von Leistungstransformatoren anhand einer Heißpunkttemperaturmessung. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2022 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany June (2022).
- Buchner, M., Deepak, D., Rudion, K.: Validation of an impedance measurement by deliberate destabilization of a power hardware in the loop setup. Presented at the CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems , Porto, Portugal June (2022).
- Contreras, D.A., Fischer, N.-L., Müller, S., Rudion, K., Frankenbach, M., von Haken, A., Surmann, B.: An Iterative Quota Calculation Method for Congestion Management and Optimal Grid Utilization. Presented at the 22nd Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC , Porto, Portugal June (2022).
- Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Heckel, M., Hohloch, J., Höfer, L., Kattmann, C., Siegel, M.: Kabelmuffen mit integrierter TE- und Temperatursensorik für eine autarke Zustandsüberwachung. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2022 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany June (2022).
- Haug, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Bewertung verschiedener Verfahren zur Impadanzmessung von Batteriemodulen. Presented at the EMV Köln 2022 , Köln, Germany July (2022).
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Nägele, H., Schnaars, J.: A Grid Reinforcement Approach for an optimized Planning of High-Voltage Distribution Grids under Consideration of Line Loading Indicators. IET Renewable Power Generation. 16, 1841–1852 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1049/rpg2.12442.
- He, C., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hubert, T., Schmidt, S., Schneider, J.: Partial Discharge Characteristic of Hairpin Windings for Inverter-Fed Motors. Presented at the IEEE 4th International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD) , Palermo, Italy July (2022).
- Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Eidher, R.: Kompensation von Asymmetrien im Aufbau beim gegenphasigen Inverterbetrieb zur Gleichtaktauslöschung. Presented at the EMV Köln 2022 , Cologne, Germany July (2022).
- Gruber, M., Dölzer, N., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Motor-Impedanzmessungen im aktiven Betriebszustand anhand einer permanentmagneterregten Synchronmaschine. Presented at the EMV Köln 2022 , Cologne, Germany July (2022).
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Impact of Inner Control Loops on Small-Signal Stability and Model-Order Reduction of Grid-Forming Converters. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids. 14, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1109/TSG.2022.3220723.
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Wenger, P., Tenbohlen, S.: Experimental Analysis of Ultra-High-Frequency Signal Propagation Paths in Power Transformers. Energies. 15, 2766 (2022).
- Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Heckel, M., Hohloch, J., Höfer, L., Kattmann, C., Siegel, M.: Validation of a PD-Monitoring System for Power Cables by Evaluating Joints with Defined Assembly Defects. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2022; ETG-Symposium 2022 , Berlin, Germany August (2022).
- Gerber, M., Tenbohlen, S., Majer, N., Lainck, T.: Monitoring von Heißpunkttemperaturen zur Überlastabschätzung bei Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2022; ETG-Symposium 2022 , Berlin, Germany August (2022).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beura, C.P., Khandan Siar, S., Gerber, M., Tahir, M., Hägele, S., Großhans, A., Weber, M., Hässig, M.: Use of Multiphysics Simulation Tools for Making a Digital Twin of Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigré Session 2022 , Paris, France August (2022).
- Fischer, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gentsch, D., Ebbinghaus, W.: Abrissverhalten von Vakuumschaltlichtbögen bei Anwendung neuartiger Schaltkontaktmaterialien und Geometrien mit Überlagerung axialer Magnetfelder. In: ETG Fachbericht. pp. 326–332 (2022).
- Supa Stölben, I.R., Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Bersch, C., Spanos, K.: Investigation of Ground Impedances effecting EMC during Charging Operations of Electric Vehicles. Presented at the 2022 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2022) , Gothenburg, Sweden September (2022). https://doi.org/10.1109/EMCEurope51680.2022.9900978.
- Walz, K., Rudion, K., Moraw, C.-M., Eilers, M.: Probabilistic Impact Assessment of Electric Truck Charging on a Medium Voltage Grid. Presented at the 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Novi Sad, Serbia October (2022).
- Miller, M., Burkhardt, P., Rudion, K., Nägele, H.: Optimal Medium Voltage Grid Planning under Consideration of Dynamic Current Ratings of Underground Cables and E-Mobility. Presented at the Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2022) , Valletta, Malta November (2022).
- Beura, C.P., Wenger, P., Tozan, E., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Classification of Partial Discharge Sources in HVDC Gas Insulated Switchgear using Neural Networks. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2022; ETG-Symposium 2022 , Berlin, Germany November (2022).
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Optimisation, benchmark testing and comparison of droop control variants in microgrids. IET Smart Grid 4.5. 536–548 (2021).
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Small-signal stability modelling, sensitivity analysis and optimization of droop controlled inverters in LV microgrids. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 125 (2021): 106404. (2021).
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: Inselnetzbildung und Resynchronisation von inverterbasierten Microgrids im Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop-Betrieb. Presented at the Zukünftige Stromnetze , Berlin, Germany January (2021).
- Tarimoradi, H., Karami, H., Gharehpetian, G.B., Tenbohlen, S.: Sensitivity analysis of different components of transfer function for detection and classification of type, location and extent of transformer faults. Measurement. 187, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.110292.
- Kattmann, C., Haug, R., Eisenmann, A., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Hochfrequente Spannungsqualitäts‐ und Transientenmessungen an Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2021, Online , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany March (2021).
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: Investigation of the Effect of Different Boundary Conditions on the Islanding of Microgrids. Presented at the Investigation of the Effect of Different Boundary Conditions on the Islanding of Microgrids. , Dublin, Ireland, online March (2021). https://doi.org/10.1049/icp.2021.1403.
- Wenger, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: Dielektrische Prüfung von HGÜ-GIS. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2021, Online , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany March (2021).
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Fischer, F., Nägele, H.: Probabilistic Approach for Distribution Grid Planning under Consideration of Line Loading Indicators. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation – RPG 2020 , Dublin, Ireland, online March (2021).
- Fahmy, T., Hohloch, J., Grund, R., Passow, D.: Funktionsintegration bei Muffen und Freiluftendverschlüssen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2021, Online , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany March (2021).
- Früh, H., Rudion, K., Von Haken, A., Groß, D., Wasowicz, B.: Evaluation of a Three-Phase Distribution System State Estimation for Operational Use in a Real Low Voltage Grid. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation – RPG 2020 , Dublin, Ireland, online March (2021).
- Streubel, T., Eisenmann, A., Rudion, K., Kattmann, C.: Transient Clustering Approach for PQ Monitoring. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation – RPG 2020 , Dublin, Ireland, online March (2021). https://doi.org/10.1049/icp.2021.1358.
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: An Investigation on feature extraction and feature selection for power quality classification with high resolution and RMS data. Presented at the The 9th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation - IET RPG , Dublin, Ireland, online March (2021).
- Adam, B., Tenbohlen, S.: Classification of Superimposed Partial Discharge Patterns. Energies 2021. 14, (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14082144.
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Nägele, H., Schnaars, J.: Probabilistischer Ansatz für einen optimierten Netzausbau von Hochspannungs-netzen anhand von Leitungsauslastungsindikatoren. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2021 , Wuppertal, Germany May (2021).
- Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Influence of MOSFET scattering on common mode cancellation in phase shifted inverter operation. Presented at the PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management , Nürnberg, Germany, online May (2021).
- Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Computing the feasible operating region of active distribution networks: Comparison and validation of random sampling and optimal power flow based methods. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 15, 1600–1612 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1049/gtd2.12120.
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Transformer Winding Condition Assessment Using Feedforward Artificial Neural Network and Frequency Response Measurements. Energies 2021. 14, (2021).
- Gruber, M., Fischer, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of the Suitability of an Electrical Machine Emulation for EMC Component Tests of Drive Inverters. Presented at the PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management , online May (2021).
- Contreras, D., Müller, S., Rudion, K.: Congestion Management Using Aggregated Flexibility at the TSO-DSO Interface. Presented at the 14th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference , Madrid, Spain, online June (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/PowerTech46648.2021.9494793.
- Fu, Y., Walz, K., Rudion, K.: Analysis of Driving Patterns in Car Traffic and their Potential for Vehicle-to-Grid Applications. Presented at the 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech , Madrid, Spain, online June (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/PowerTech46648.2021.9494995.
- Pradhan, A.K., Tenbohlen, S.: Estimation of Moisture Content in Oil-immpregnated Pressboard through Analyzing Dielecric Response Current under Switching Impulse. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 28, 938–945 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2020.009367.
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: Manual Configuration and Best Setup of Support Vector Machines for Power Quality Classification. Presented at the 14th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference , Madrid, Spain, online June (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/PowerTech46648.2021.9495006.
- Schabel, J., Beltle, M., Kull, M., Tenbohlen, S., Zerrer, M.: Calibration of a non-null test interferometer for the measurement of aspheres and free-form surfaces. Presented at the EMC + SIPI , online July (2021).
- Walz, K., Rudion, K., et, al.: Load Modelling and Distribution Planning in the Era of Electric Mobility. CIRED Technical Report 2018-1. (2021).
- Schabel, J., Zerrer, M., Kull, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Methods for Investigating Influence Parameters in the Measurement Setup for Radiated Emissions according to CISPR 25. Presented at the 2021 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity, and EMC Europe Symposium, , Online July (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/EMC/SI/PI/EMCEurope52599.2021.9559320.
- Pradhan, A.K., Tenbohlen, S.: A New Approach to Estimate Activation Energy of Oil-impregnated Pressboard Stressed under Switching Impulse at Different Temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 28, 1162–1170 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2021.009514.
- Laribi, O., Rudion, K.: Optimized Planning of Distribution Grids Considering Grid Expansion, Battery Systems and Dynamic Curtailment. Energies 2021. 14, (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175242.
- Streubel, T., Eisenmann, A., Kattmann, C., Rudion, K.: Site Indices for High Frequency Harmonics for Long Term Power Quality Monitoring. Presented at the 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Geneva, Switzerland, online September (2021).
- Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimization Methods for Common Mode Cancellation in Phase Shifted Inverter Operation. Presented at the 2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC) , Nusa Dua - Bali, Indonesia, Online September (2021).
- Fischer, M., Christl, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gentsch, D., Ebbinghaus, W.: Influences of Axial Magnetic Fields and Different Contact Materials in Vacuum Interrupters on the Chopping Behaviour of Switching Arcs. Presented at the 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution – CIRED , Geneva, Switzerland, online September (2021).
- Walz, K., Rudion, K.: Electric Truck Energy Demand Modeling and Load Profile Regionalization for Electric Grid Planning. Presented at the NEIS 2021 – Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems , Hamburg, Germany, Online September (2021).
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: General Framework for Simulating Power Quality Data Processing. Presented at the 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution – CIRED , Geneva, Switzerland, online September (2021).
- Karambar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Compatibility Study of Silicone Rubber and Mineral Oil. Energies 2021. 14, (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185899.
- Haug, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Magnetic Field Emission of Automotive Inductive Charging Systems in the 9 kHz – 30 MHz Range. Presented at the 2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC) , Nusa Dua - Bali, Indonesia, Online September (2021).
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Nägele, H., Schnaars, J.: Weather-dependent Current Ratings of Overhead Lines in the probabilistic Distribution Grid Planning. Presented at the 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Geneva, Switzerland, online September (2021).
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: New Method for Evaluating the Stable Operation of Inverters in the Planning Phase using Impedance-Based Stability Criterion. Presented at the 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Genf, Switzerland, Online September (2021).
- Müller, S., Contreras, D., Früh, H., Rudion, K., Exner, C., von Haken, A.: Online aggregation of the flexibility potential in distribution grids using state estimation. Presented at the 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Geneva, Switzerland, online September (2021).
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: Influence of Harmonics on Broadband AC Grid Impedance Identification for Stability Studies. Presented at the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Espoo, Finland, Online October (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/ISGTEurope52324.2021.9640172.
- Walz, K., Otteny, F., Rudion, K.: A Charging Profile Modeling Approach for Battery-Electric Trucks based on Trip Chain Generation. Presented at the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Espoo, Finland, Online October (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/ISGTEurope52324.2021.9640136.
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Nägele, H., Schnaars, J.: Grid Reinforcement Method for High-Voltage Distribution Grids under Consideration of Performance Indices. Presented at the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Espoo, Finland, Online October (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/ISGTEurope52324.2021.9640210.
- Wang, Z.D., Matharage, S.Y., Liu, Q., Tenbohlen, S., Ekanayake, C., Saha, T.K., Ma, H., XU, Y.: Research and development of ester filled power transformers. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Transformers Magazin. 8, 24–33 (2021).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Experimental Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Distribution Transformer. Presented at the CMDM CIGRE International Conference on Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance (6th edition) , Bucharest, Rumania, Online October (2021).
- Gerber, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Performance assessment of top-oil temperature models for overload capability estimation in online monitoring purposes. Presented at the CMDM CIGRE International Conference on Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance (6th edition) , Bucharest, Rumania, Online October (2021).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beura, C.P., Siegel, M.: Increase of Reliability of Power Transformers by Calibrated UHF PD Measurements in FAT and SAT. Presented at the CMDM CIGRE International Conference on Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance (6th edition) , Bucharest, Rumania October (2021).
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: Identification of Grid Impedance by Broadband Signals in Power Systems with High Harmonics. Energies. 14, (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217398.
- Müller, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: EMI Suppression of a DC–DC Converter Using Predictive Pulsed Compensation. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 63, 2134–2142 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2021.3084896.
- M. Banka, M., D. Contreras, D., K. Rudion, K.: Multi-Agent Based Strategy for Controlled Islanding and System Restoration Employing Dispersed Generation. Presented at the CIRED Workshop 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Schühle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Berechnung von geomagnetisch induzierten Strömen auf Basis eines dreidimensionalen Leitfähigkeitsmodells. e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Österreichischer Verband für Elektronik. Jg. 137, (2020).
- Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hohloch, J., Siegel, M.: Evaluation of the Frequency Information Contained in PD Signals for Localization in Power Cable Monitoring. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Numerische Untersuchungen des Einflusses von Betriebsparametern auf den Heißpunktfaktor einer Scheibenwicklung mittels CFD. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Berger, J., Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: Investigating the Intraday Continuous Electricity Market using Auto Regression Integrated Moving Average Model with Exogenous Inputs. Presented at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineerin , Madrid, Spain (2020). https://doi.org/10.1109/EEEIC/ICPS Europe49358.2020.9160595.
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S., Miyazaki, S.: Analysis of Statistical Methods for Assessment of Power Transformer Frequency Response Measurements. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2020.2987205.
- Schabel, J., Beltle, M., Kull, M., Tenbohlen, S., Zerrer, M.: Methoden zur Untersuchung von Einflussparametern im Messaufbau von gestrahlten Emissionsmessungen im Komponententest nach CISPR 25. Presented at the EMV 2020, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Cologne, Germany (2020).
- Adam, B., Tenbohlen, S.: Separation of superimposed PRPD Patterns by Signal Clustering. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD) , Valencia, Spain, online (2020).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Influence of Dielectric Window on the Performance of Window-type UHF PD Sensors. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Früh, H., Rudion, K., von Haken, A., Wasowicz, B., Gerber, M.: Field-Test Based Comparison of LTE and PLC Communication Technologies for Smart Grid Applications. Presented at the CIRED Workshop 2020 , Berlin, Germany (2020).
- He, C., Beura, C.P., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of Partial Discharge Activity in the Slot of a Hairpin-wound Stator. Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2020) , Tokyo, Japan (2020).
- Müller, D., Spanos, K., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Improvement of Predictive Pulsed Compensation using Adapted Synchronization. Presented at the EMC Europe 2020 Online Symposium , Rome, Italy, online (2020).
- Laribi, O., Rudion, K., Nägele, H.: Combined Grid-supporting and Market-based Operation Strategy for Battery Storage Systems. Presented at the 6th IEEE International Energy Conference 2020 (ENERGYCon 2020) , Tunis, Tunesia, Online (2020). https://doi.org/10.1109/ENERGYCon48941.2020.9236468.
- Pradhan, A.K., Tenbohlen, S.: Estimation of Moisture Content in Oil-impregnated Pressboard through Analyzing Dielectric Response Current under Switching Impulse. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. (2020).
- Coenen, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hoek, S., Fehlmann, P., Schwarz, R., Linn, T., Kempf, U., Weber, M., Fuhr, J.: Proposal of a Calibration Methodology of UHF Partial Discharge Measurements for Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigré Session 48 , Paris, France (2020).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M.: Quantitative Analysis of the Sensitivity of UHF Sensor Positions on a 420 kV Power Transformer Based on Electromagnetic Simulation. Energies 2020. 13, (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/en13010003.
- Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Eidher, R.: Einflussparameter und Grenzen der Gleichtaktauslöschung im gegenphasigen Inverterbetrieb. Presented at the EMV 2020, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Cologne, Germany (2020).
- Wenger, P., Götz, T., Backhaus, K., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: Partial Discharge Analysis in Gas-Insulated HVDC Systems Using Conventional and Non-Conventional Methods. Presented at the CIGRE , Paris, France online (2020).
- Haug, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Modellierung von Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systemen zur Analyse der magnetischen Feldemissionen. Presented at the EMV 2020, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Cologne, Germany (2020).
- Müller, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Bewertung der Sensitivität eines hybriden Gleichtaktfilters für Traktionsinverter gegenüber Variationen der Betriebsparameter. Presented at the EMV 2020 Onlinekongress , Rome, Italy, online (2020).
- Miller, M., Rudion, K., Fischer, F., Nägele, H.: Optimal Distribution Grid Expansion Planning under Consideration of dynamic DG Curtailment. Presented at the Cired Workshop 2020 , Berlin, Germany (2020).
- Karambar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Design of High Voltage Lead Exit for Power Transformers using Silicone Rubber Insulation. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Clack-bands on Lifetime of Disc-type Windings. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics, ICD 2020 , Valencia, Spain (2020).
- Walz, K., Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Synthetic Charging Profiles Development of Battery-Electric Trucks for Probabilistic Grid Planning. Presented at the CIRED Workshop 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Walz, K., Contreras, D., Rudion, K., Wiest, P.: Modelling of Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging Profiles based on Trip Chain Generation. Presented at the (2020).
- Buchner, M., Banka, M., Rudion, K.: Coordination of the Islanding and Resynchronization Process of Microgrids through a Smart Meter Gateway Interface. Presented at the Cired Workshop 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Kattmann, C., Siegel, M., Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Inductive Energy Harvesting for the Monitoring of Power Cable Systems. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online (2020).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Study of the Influence of Winding and Sensor Design on Ultra-High Frequency Partial Discharge Signals in Power Transformers. Sensors 2020. 20, (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185113.
- Wenger, P., Michael, Beltle., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: Partial Discharge Characteristic of Fixed Protrusions in HVDC-GIS. Presented at the VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2020 , Berlin, Germany, online September (2020).
- Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: Multi-objective Environmental-economic Load Dispatch Considering Generator Constraints and Wind Power Using Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. AECE Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering. 20, 3–10 (2020).
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: FRA Lookup Charts for the quantitative Determination of Winding Axial Displacement Fault in Power Transformers. IET Electric Power Applications. 14, 2370–2377 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-epa.2020.0273.
- Buchner, M., Rudion, K.: Design of an inverter model according to the network code requirements for low-voltage grids. Presented at the 6th International Modern Electric Power Systems Conference , Wroclaw, Poland (2019).
- Berger, J., Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: An Analysis of the Price Behavior of the Intraday Continuous Market. Presented at the Power & Energy Student Summit (PESS 2019) , Magdeburg, Germany (2019).
- Laribi, O., Rudion, K., Lübbe, T.: Optimal Planning of High Voltage Distribution Grids under a Combined Use of Energy Storage Systems and Dynamic feed-in Management. Presented at the 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Madrid, Spain (2019).
- Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M.: UHF Partial Discharge Measurement for Acceptance Tests of Power Transformers. Presented at the International Transformer Conference (ITCE 2019) , Teheran, Iran (2019).
- Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, S., Coenen, S., Beltle, M., Kempf, U., Hoeck, S., Weber, M., Schwarz, R., Fuhr, J., Fehlmann, P., Linn, T.: Calibration of UHF PD Measurements for Power Transformers. (2019).
- Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: Economic Load Dispatch Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization based on functional Constriction Factor and functional Inertia Weight. Presented at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe , Genoa, Italy (2019). https://doi.org/10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783432.
- Tenbohlen, S., Beltle, M., Siegel, M.: Thermal Modelling and Overloading of Power Transformers. Presented at the TechCon SE Asia 2019 , Bangkok, Thailand (2019).
- Streubel, T., Eisenmann, A., Rudion, K.: Object Detection Based Power Quality Expert System for an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. Presented at the 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Madrid, Spain (2019).
- Abdul Madhar, S., Wenger, P., Beltle, M.: Simultaneous Electrical and UHF Measurement of DC-PD from Point-Plane Defect. Presented at the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2019 , Budapest, Hungary (2019).
- Wenger, P., Abdul Madhar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Simultaneous Electrical, UHF, Current and Optical PD Measurement on Floating Potential und DC Stress. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) , Richland, Washington, USA (2019).
- Bertelmann, J., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Eidher, R.: Minimierung der Gleichtaktstörung in elektrischen Lenkungssystemen durch gegenphasiges Takten der Leistungshalbleiter. Presented at the AmE 2019 Automotive meets Electronics , Dortmund, Germany (2019).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Attenuation of UHF Signals in a 420 kV Power Transformer based on Experiments and Simulation. Presented at the 21. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019) , Budapest, Hungary (2019).
- Pfleger, D., Walz, K.: E-Mobilität flexibel. Sonderheft Logistik-Immobilien & Standorte. 26–27 (2019).
- Dieterich, L., Mempel, C., Eisenmann, A.: Power Quality Testing Made Easy. Presented at the 10th PAC World Conference , Glasgow, UK (2019).
- Früh, H., Groß, D., Rudion, K.: Short Term Load Forecasting for Individual Consumers based on Markov Chains. Presented at the Modern Electric Power Systems - MEPS 19 , Wroclaw, Poland (2019).
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: PQ Prediction by Way of Parallel Computing - Benchmark and Sensitivity Analysis for classical ML Approaches. Presented at the 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Madrid, Spain (2019).
- Miller, M., Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Fischer, F.: Determination of constant Seasonal Values for the Current Rating of Overhead Lines in the Network Planning. Presented at the 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED , Madrid, Spain (2019).
- Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Coenen, S.: Calibration of UHF Partial Discharge Measurements for Power Transformers. Presented at the Highvolt Kolloquium 2019 , Dresden, Germany (2019).
- Siegel, M., Coenen, S., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Weber, M., Fehlmann, P., Hoek, S.M., Kempf, U., Schwarz, R., Linn, T., Fuhr, J.: Calibration Proposal for UHF Partial Discharge Measurements at Power Transformers. Energies. 12, (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/en12163058.
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Towards Objective Interpretation of Frequency Response of Power Transformers. Presented at the International Transformer Conference (ITCE 2019) , Teheran, Iran (2019).
- Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hohloch, J., Grund, R.: Transformer Equivalent Circuit Parameter Estimation using Frequency Response Analysis. Presented at the CIGRE Colloquium , New Dehli, India (2019).
- Wenger, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: UHF-PD Measurement and High-Speed-Imaging of Firefly Motion at the Positive Electrode in HVDC-GIS. Presented at the (2019).
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S., Samimi, M.H.: Evaluation of Numerical Indices for Objective Interpretation of Frequency Response to detect Mechanical Faults in Power Transformers. Presented at the 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019) , Budapest, Hungary (2019).
- Li, P., Yalcinoz, T., Rudion, K.: A mixed Integer Linear Programming for the Day ahead Electricity Market with Wind Power Generators. Presented at the Power & Energy Student Summit (PESS 2019) , Magdeburg, Germany (2019).
- Karambar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of Ageing Characteristics of Silicone Rubber in Mineral Oil. Presented at the 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019) , Budapest, Hungary (2019).
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Novel Calculation Method for Power Transformer Winding Fault Detection using Frequency Response Analysis. Presented at the 5th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management” (ICTRAM’05 2019) , Opatija, Croatia (2019).
- Beltle, M., Beura, C.P., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: UHF Sensor Placement on Power Transformers for PD Monitoring. Presented at the Cigré Colloquium SCA2 /SCB2/ SCD1 , New Delhi, India (2019).
- Miyazaki, S., Mizutani, Y., Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Influence of Employing Different Measuring Systems on Measurement Repeatability in Frequency Response Analysis of Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 35, 27–33 (2019).
- Eberlein, S., Radloff, M., Rudion, K.: Small-Signal Stability Optimization of LV Microgrids with Grid Forming and Grid-Supporting Inverters. Presented at the CIRED Conference , Madrid, Spain June (2019).
- Khandan Siar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of Operational and Design Parameters Affecting the Thermal Behaviour of Disc-Type Winding. Presented at the 21. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019) , Budapest, Hungary August (2019).
- Wenger, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U., Behrmann, G.: Combined Characterization of Free-Moving Particles in HVDC-GIS Using UHF PD, High-Speed Imaging, and Pulse-Sequence Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 34, 1540–1548 (2019).
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Positioning of UHF PD Sensors on Power Transformers Based on the Attenuation of UHF Signals. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 34, 1520–1529 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2909588.
- Miyazaki, S., Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Detection and quantitative Diagnosis of axial Displacement of Transformer Winding by Frequency Response Analysis. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 13, 3493–3500 (2019).
- Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Time-Based Aggregation of Flexibility at the TSO-DSO Interconnection Point. Presented at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2019 , Atlanta, USA August (2019).
- Groß, D., Früh, H., Contreras, D., Rudion, K., Rupp, L., Lakenbrink, C.: Evaluation of a Three-Phase Distribution System State Estimation for Operational Use in a Real Medium Voltage Grid. Presented at the 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Bucharest, Romania September (2019).
- Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Impact of Grid Topology and Tap Position Changes on the Flexibility Provision from Distribution Grids. Presented at the IEEE ISGT Europe 2019 , Bucharest, Romania September (2019).
- Banka, M., Rudion, K.: Integrated Simulation Environment for Investigation of Multi-Agent Systems in Smart Grids Applications. Presented at the Modern Electric Power Systems MEPS 19 , Wroclaw, Poland September (2019).
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A Comprehensive Analysis of Windings Electrical and Mechanical Faults Using a High-Frequency Model. Energies 2020. (2019). https://doi.org/103390/en13010105.
- Beura, C.P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M.: Quantitative Analysis of the Sensitivity of UHF Sensor Positions on a 420 kV Power Transformer Based on Electromagnetic Simulation. Energies 2020. (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/en13010003.
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S.: CFD Investigation of Temperature Distributions by Non-uniform Heat Losses inside Windings. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2018) , Athens, Greece (2018).
- Suttner, C., Ebbinghaus, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Störfestigkeitsprüfung von Netzschutzeinrichtungen mit passiven Kleinsignalwandlern. Presented at the Fachtagung VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2018 , Berlin, Germany (2018).
- Laribi, O., Miller, M., Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Fischer, F., Lübbe, T.: Netzausbauoptimierung in den Verteilnetzen durch Einsatz moderner Planungsmethoden. Ingenieurspiegel. 29–30 (2018).
- Laribi, O., Wiest, P., Rudion, K.: Dimensioning and Positioning of Storage Systems under the Consideration of the (n 1) Security Criterion in 110 kV Distribution Grids. Presented at the 8th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT 2018) , Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2018).
- Passow, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hochloch, J., Grund, R.: Modellierung und Aufbau eines kapazitiven Sensors zur Auskopplung von Teilentladungen (TE) an einer Kabelmuffe. Presented at the VDE-Hochspannungstechnik , Berlin (2018).
- Nemati, M.S.: Optimization of unit commitment and economic dispatch in microgrids based on genetic algorithm and mixed integer linear programming, (2018). https://doi.org/10.19211/kup9783737604659.
- Haug, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Grundlegende Betrachtungen der Kopplungsmechanismen möglicher Störgrößen für induktive KFZ-Ladesysteme. Presented at the EMV , Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf (2018).
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Influence of PLL on Synthetic Inertia of DFIG Wind Turbine in Droop Controlled Microgrids. Presented at the IET Renewable Power Generation , Copenhagen, Denmark (2018).
- Adam, B., Tenbohlen, S.: Classification of multiple PD Sources by Signal Features and LSTM Networks. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2018) , Athens, Greece (2018).
- Miyazaki, S., Mizutani, Y., Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Comparison of FRA Data measured by Different Instruments with Different Frequency Resolution. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2018) , Athens, Greece (2018).
- Früh, H., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Großhans, A.: Ermittlung von Flexibilitätsparametern zur Systemoptimierung mittels Genetischer Algorithmen im Rahmen einer Praxisanwendung. Presented at the ETG-CIRED-Workshop 2018 ’(D-A-CH) Innovationen im Verteilnetz , Berlin, Germany (2018).
- Eisenmann, A., Streubel, T., Rudion, K.: Power Quality Monitoring und Prognose in Verteilnetzen. Ingenieurspiegel. 38–40 (2018).
- Adam, B., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Klassifikation von TE-Messungen unter Ausnutzung des vollständigen Informationsgehalts. Presented at the VDE-Hochspannungstechnik , Berlin (2018).
- Müller, D., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Automated Filter Optimization for High-Voltage Cable Harness based on Circuit Simulations for Conducted Emissions Prediction. Presented at the EMC Europe , Amsterdam, Niederlande (2018).
- Groß, D., Contreras, D., Früh, H., Rudion, K., Exner, C., Großhans, A.: Systemischer Einsatz von Flexibilitäten zur optimierten Betriebsführung in Verteilnetzen. Ingenieurspiegel. 45–47 (2018).
- Eberlein, S., Heider, A., Rudion, K.: Modelling and Control Optimization of Diesel Synchronous Generators in LV Microgrids. Presented at the 8th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT 2018) , Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2018).
- Karambar, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Study on Thermal Ageing Characteristics of Silicone Rubber and Pressboard in Mineral Oil. Presented at the Fachtagung VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2018 , Berlin, Germany (2018).
- Fritz, W.: Voltage Distortion by Grid-connected Solar PV Systems and its Effect on Bottom Line. Presented at the 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Engineering and Business Education (ICEBE) , Szczecin, Poland (2018).
- Denis Müller, Michael Beltle, Stefan Tenbohlen: Automatisierte Filteroptimierung für Hochvoltbordnetze basierend auf Schaltungssimulationen zur Störspannungsvorhersage. Presented at the (2018).
- Wiest, P., Contreras, D., Groß, D., Rudion, K.: Synthetic Load Profiles of Various Customer Types for Smart Grid Simulations. Presented at the Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems - NEIS , Hamburg, Germany (2018).
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S.: CFD-Untersuchungen über den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Parameter auf das thermische Verhalten von Scheibenwicklungen in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Fachtagung VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2018 , Berlin, Germany (2018).
- Schühle, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohleh, S.: Beeinflussung von induktiven Stromwandlern in Hoch- und Höchstspannungsnetzen durch parasitäre Gleichströme. Presented at the VDE-Hochspannungstechnik , Berlin (2018).
- Wenger, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: TE-Charakterisierung frei beweglicher Partikel in HVDC-GIS mittels UHF-Messtechnik und Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera-Aufnahmen. Presented at the VDE-Hochspannungstechnik , Berlin (2018).
- Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Efficient Integration of (n-1)-Security into probabilistic Netzwork Expansion Planning. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Volume 94, pp.151-159 (2018).
- Miyazaki, S., Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Sensitivity of Connection Schemes for Detection of Axial Displacement of Trans-former Winding by Frequency Response Analysis. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2018) , Athens, Greece (2018).
- Kattmann, C., Siegel, M., Brügger, T., Tenbohlen, S.: Messung der Spannungsqualität in der Hochspannungsebene an Transformatordurchführungen. Presented at the Fachtagung VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2018 , Berlin, Germany (2018).
- Wiest, P., Groß, D., Rudion, K.: Probabilistische Verteilnetzplanung zur Analyse der Gleichzeitigkeit von Elektromobilität. Presented at the 5. Konferenz Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien , Berlin January (2018).
- Buchner, M., Laribi, O., Rudion, K.: Bestimmung der Betriebsweise eines Speichers zur Netzentlastung auf Basis Linearer Optimierung. Presented at the 5. Konferenz Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien , Berlin January (2018).
- Hägele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Perrino, D., Konermann, M.: Feldstudie für den flächendeckenden Einsatz natürlicher Ester in Verteiltransformatoren. In: Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2018. pp. 101–110 (2018).
- Tenbohlen, S., Tahir, M., Miyazaki, S.: Development and Optimization of Methods for Objective Interpretation of Frequency Response Analysis of Power Transformers. Presented at the 85th International Conference of Doble Clients , Boston, USA April (2018).
- Umemoto, T., Tenbohlen, S.: Validations of simulation of UHF electromagnetic wave propagation in an oil-filled tank by time-domain measurements. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 13, 1646--1652 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.6173.
- Yalcinoz, T.: A Dynamic Model and Analysis of PEM Fuel Cells for an Electric Bicycle. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe). pp. 1–5 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/EEEIC.2018.8493821.
- Contreras, D., Laribi, O., Banka, M., Rudion, K.: Assessing the Flexibility Provision of Microgrids in MV Distribution Grids. Presented at the CIRED Workshop , Ljubljana, Slovenia June (2018).
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Influence of Inaccurate Low Voltage Microgrid Synchronization on Synchronous Generators. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) , Limassol, Cyprus June (2018).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S., Junge, E., Konermann, M.: Real-Time Evaluation of the Dynamic Loading Capability of Indoor Distribution Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 33, 1134–1142 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2017.2728820.
- Tenbohlen, S., Schmidt, N., Khandan, S., Breuer, C., R., L.: Investigation of Thermal Behavior of an Oil-Directed Cooled Transformer Winding. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 33, 1091–1098 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2017.2711786.
- Eberlein, S., Rudion, K.: Influence of Inaccurate Medium Voltage Microgrid Synchronization on Synchronous Generators. Presented at the CIRED Workshop , Ljubljana, Slovenia June (2018).
- Banka, M., Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Hardware-in-the-loop Test Bench for Investigation of DER Integration Strategies within a multi-agent-based Environment. Presented at the 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) , Limassol, Cyprus June (2018).
- Contreras, D., Rudion, K.: Improved Assessment of the Flexibility Range of Distribution Grids Using Linear Optimization. Presented at the 20th Power Systems Computing Conference (PSCC 2018) , Dublin, Ireland June (2018).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beltle, M., Siegel, M.: Condition Assessment of Power Transformers by UHF PD Monitoring. Presented at the Proceedings of TechCon SE Asia , Manila, Philippines June (2018).
- Haegele, S., Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, A.: Lightning Impulse Withstand of Natural Ester Liquid. Eneries, Special Issue Engineering Dielectric Liquid Applications. (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/en11081964.
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S.: Using the Temperature Dependency of the FRA to Evaluate the Pressure of the Transformer Press Ring. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 33, 2050–2052 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2017.2691541.
- Tenbohlen, S., Kattmann, C., Brügger, T., Siegel, M., Konermann, M., Junge, E., Christian, J.: Power Quality Monitoring in Power Grids focusing on Accuracy of High Frequency Harmonics. Presented at the CIGRE session , Paris, France August (2018).
- Tenbohlen, S., Tahir, M., Rahimpour, E., Poulin, B., Miyazaki, S.: A New Approach for High Frequency Modelling of Disc Windings. Presented at the CIGRE session , Paris, France August (2018).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Akmal, A.A.S., Mohseni, H.: Dismissing Uncertainties in the FRA Interpretation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 33, 2041–2043 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2618601.
- Du, J., Chen, W., Cui, L., Zhang, Z., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation on the propagation characteristics of PD-induced electromagnetic waves in an actual 110 kV power transformer and its simulation results. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 25, 1941–1948 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2018.007336.
- Tahir, M., Tenbohlen, S., Miyazaki, S.: Optimization of FRA by an Improved Numerical Winding Model: Disk Space Variation. Presented at the Fachtagung VDE-Hochspannungstechnik 2018 , Berlin, Germany November (2018).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A validated online algorithm for detection of fan failures in oilimmersed power transformers. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 116, 224–233 (2017). https://doi.org/DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2017.02.012.
- Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S.: Application of UHF Sensors for PD Measurement at Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 24, 331–339 (2017).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Akmal, A.A.S., Mohseni, H.: Effect of Different Connection Schemes, Terminating Resistors and Measurement Impedances on the Sensitivity of the FRA Method. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY. 32, 1713–1720 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2572160.
- Tenbohlen, S., Schmidt, N., Khandan, S.: Investigation of Thermal Behavior of an Oil Directed Cooled Transformer Winding. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2017.2711786.
- Wiest, P., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Rapid identification of worst-case conditions: improved planning of active distribution grids. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 11, 2412–2417 (2017).
- Picher, P., Tenbohlen, S., Lachmann, M., Scardazzi, A., Pavel, P.: Current state of transformer FRA interpretation. Procedia Engineering. 210, 944–963 (2017).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S.: FRA interpretation using numerical indices: State-of-the-art. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 115–125 (2017).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Akmal, A.A.S., Mohseni, H.: Evaluation of numerical indices for the assessment of transformer frequency response. IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION. 11, 218–227 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.0879.
- Tenbohlen, S., Breuer, C., Devaux, F., Lebreton, R., Schmidt, N., Stirl, T.: Evaluation of the thermal performance of transformer windings by numerical investigations and measurements. Cigre Science and Engineering. 7, (2017).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S.: Detection of transformer mechanical deformations by comparing different FRA connections. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 86, 53–60 (2017).
- Samimi, M.H., Shayegani Akmal, A.A., Mohseni, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Detection of transformer mechanical deformations by comparing different FRA connections. International Journal of Elecrical Power & Energy Systems. 86, 53–60 (2017).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Malfunction Detection of the Cooling System in Air-Forced Power Transformers Using Online Thermal Monitoring. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY. 32, 1058–1067 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2597296.
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E., Jongen, R.: Basic Aspects of Partial Discharge On-site Testing of Long Length Transmission Power Cables. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 24, 1077–1087 (2017).
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S., Breuer, C., Lebreton, R.: Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Temperature Distribution on Power Transformer Windings Using Open Foam. Presented at the 19th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ICCFD , Berlin, Germany May (2017).
- Groß, D., Wiest, P., Rudion, K.: Comparison of Stochastic Load Profile Modeling Approaches for Low Voltage Resi-dential Consumers. Presented at the 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference , Manchester, UK June (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/PTC.2017.7981272.
- Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Optimization of Power Feed-In Curtailment from RES and its Consideration within Grid Planning. Presented at the 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference , Manchester, UK June (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/PTC.2017.7980801.
- Kattmann, C., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Detailed Power Quality Measurement of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Presented at the 24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution – CIRED , Glasgow, UK June (2017).
- Vahidi, F., Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, A.: Influence of Cellulose Contamination Level on Electrical Conductivity of Natural and Synthetic Ester Liquids Compared to Mineral Oil. Presented at the 19th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) , Manchester, UK June (2017).
- Vahidi, F., Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S.: A Comparison of Oil-impregnated Pressboard Electrical Conductivity Behavior for Two Different High Density Pressboards. Presented at the 19th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) , Manchester, UK June (2017).
- Kaiser, N., Wiest, P., Laribi, O., Rudion, K.: Evaluation of Energy-Storage for Reducing Grid Reinforcement in High Voltage Grids. Presented at the IEEE PESS Power and Energy Student Summit , Nuremberg June (2017).
- Haegele, S., Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, A.: Investigation of Interfacial Surface Creep Breakdown at Oil-Pressboard Interfaces in Natural Ester Liquid and Mineral Oil. Presented at the 19th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) , Manchester, UK June (2017).
- Kattmann, C., Tenbohlen, S.: Visualization of Power Quality Data. Presented at the 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference , Manchester, UK June (2017). https://doi.org/10.1109/PTC.2017.7981158.
- Khandan, S., Tenbohlen, S., Breuer, C., Lebreton, R.: CFD Study of Fluid Flow and Temperature Distributions in a Power Transformer Winding. Presented at the 19th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) , Manchester, UK June (2017).
- Wiest, P., Eberlein, S., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Comparison between Static and Dynamic Curtailment of RES in Probabilistic High Voltage Distribution Grid Planning. Presented at the 24th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution – CIRED , Glasgow, UK June (2017).
- Vahidi, F., Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, A.: Study on Moisture Influence on Electrical Conductivity of Natural Ester Fluid and Mineral Oil. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) , Baltimore, MD, USA June (2017).
- Streubel, T., Groß, D., Rudion, K.: Bad Data Detection and Identification in Distribution Power Systems. Presented at the IEEE PESS Power and Energy Student Summit , Nuremberg June (2017).
- Beltle, M., Schühle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Galvanic Coupling of Direct Currents in Transmission Grids and its Effects on Power Transformers. Presented at the 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Buenos Aires, Argentina August (2017).
- Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Junge, E., Konermann, M.: Investigation of Low Temperature and Electric Stress Behaviour of Different Natural Ester Liquids. Presented at the 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Buenos Aires, Argentina August (2017).
- Laribi, O., Wiest, P., Rudion, K.: Optimal Dimensioning and Operation of a Grid-Supporting Energy Storage System. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies IEEE ISGT Europe 2017 , Torino, Italy September (2017).
- Hillenbrand, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Mönch, S.: Sensitivity Analysis of Behavioral MOSFET Models in Transient EMC Simulation. Presented at the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC Europe , Angers, France September (2017).
- Tenbohlen, S., Jagers, J., Vahidi, F.: Standardized survey of transformer reliability: On behalf of CIGRE WG A2.37. Presented at the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM) , Toyohashi City, Japan September (2017). https://doi.org/DOI: 10.23919/ISEIM.2017.8166559.
- Wiest, P., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Security-Constrained Dynamic Curtailment Method for Renewable Energy Sources in Grid Planning. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies IEEE ISGT Europe 2017 , Torino, Italy September (2017).
- Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S., Hansen, T., Pfaff, W.: Parametrization of Stochastic Load Profile Modeling Approaches for Smart Grid Simulations. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies IEEE ISGT Europe 2017 , Torino, Italy September (2017).
- Tenbohlen, S., Beltle, M., Siegel, M.: PD Monitoring of Power Transformers by UHF Sensors. Presented at the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM) , Toyohashi City, Japan September (2017). https://doi.org/DOI: 10.23919/ISEIM.2017.8088747.
- Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, A.: Electrical Conductivity of Oil and Oil-impregnated Pressboard dependent on Aging Byproducts. Presented at the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM) , Toyohashi City, Japan September (2017). https://doi.org/10.23919/ISEIM.2017.8166589.
- Hillenbrand, P., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hansen, J.: Transient Co-Simulation of Electromagnetic Emissions caused by a SiC Traction Inverter. Presented at the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC Europe , Angers, France September (2017).
- Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S., Hansen, J., Pfaff, W.: EMV-Simulation der EMI eines Traktionsinverters in einer CISPR25 Messumgebung. Presented at the 7. GMM Fachtagung “EMV in der Kfz-Technik” , Wolfsburg September (2017).
- Kattmann, C., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Kontinuierliche Messung und Auswertung der Spannungsqualität bis 150 kHz am Beispiel einer Ladestation für Elektrofahrzeuge. Presented at the Oberlausitzer Energie-Symposium 2017 , Zittau October (2017).
- Suttner, C., Ebbinghaus, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Transiente Störgrößeneinkopplung auf Schutzsysteme mit Kleinsignalwandlern in Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2017 , Bonn November (2017).
- Groß, D., Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Rupp, L.: Konzept einer praktikablen, stabilen und übertragbaren Zustandsschätzung für Ver-teilnetze. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2017 , Bonn November (2017).
- Hägele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Junge, E., Konermann, M.: Einsatz natürlicher Ester in Verteiltransformatoren. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2017 , Bonn November (2017).
- Früh, H., Wiest, P., Rudion, K.: Bewertung der Spannungshaltungsmaßnahmen in Niederspannungsnetzen mittels probabilistischer Ansätze. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2017 , Bonn November (2017).
- Wiest, P., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Auswirkungen der Spitzenkappung von erneuerbaren Energien auf den Netzausbau im Hochspannungsnetz. Presented at the Internationaler ETG Kongress 2017 , Bonn November (2017).
- Suttner, C., Ebbinghaus, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Alternatives Verfahren für die Störfestigkeitsprüfung von elektronischen Messwandlern in Schaltanlagen. In: Tagungsband. pp. 37–44 (2016).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Shayegani Akmal, A.A., Mohseni, H.: Using the Complex Values of the Frequency Response to Improve Power Transformer Diagnostics. Presented at the 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2016) , Shiraz, Iran (2016).
- Nägele, H., Walker, G., Brunner, M., Rudion, K.: Utilizing Flexible Loads and Battery Storages in a Cluster of Households with Virtual Metering. Presented at the IEEE Energycon , Leuven, Belgien (2016).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Calibration of UHF Partial Discharge Measurement for Power Transformers and a Comparison to the Calibration of Electrical PD Measurement. Presented at the IEEE Electrical Isulation Conference (EIC) , Montréal, Canada (2016).
- Beltle, M., Schühle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Sundermann, U.: Das Verhalten von Leistungstransformatoren bei Beanspruchung mit Gleichströmen. In: Tagungsband. pp. 59–69 (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S., Djamali, M., Müller, A., Samimi, M.H., Siegel, M.: Diagnostic Measurements for Power Transformers. Energies. 9, 347–372 (2016). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9050347.
- Gulski, E., Koltunowicz, W., Ariaans, T., Behrmann, G., Jongen, R., Garnacho, F., Kornhuber, S., Ohtsuka, S., Petzold, F., Sanchez-Uran, M., Siodla, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Guidelines for partial discharge detection using conventional (IEC 60270) and unconventional methods. Electra. 24–29 (2016).
- Beltle, M., Ebbinghaus, W.: Alternative Messwerteerfassung für moderne Schaltanlagen basierend auf nicht-konventionellen Wandlern. Presented at the 9. ETG-FNN-Tutorial Schutz- und Leittechnik , Berlin (2016).
- Brunner, M., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: PV Curtailment Reduction with Smart Homes and Heat Pumps. Presented at the IEEE Energycon , Leuven, Belgien (2016).
- Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S.: Vergleich der leitungsgebundenen Störemissionen und des Wirkungsgrads von Silizium IGBTs mit Siliziumkarbit MOSFETs als Leistungsschalter in Traktionsinvertern. In: Tagungsband. pp. 241–248 (2016).
- Siegel, M., Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Kalibrierung von UHF TE‐Messsystemen an Leistungstransformatoren. In: Tagungsband. pp. 253–263 (2016).
- Walker, G., Tenbohlen, S.: Self-calibrating decentralized reactive power management for charging infrastructure. Presented at the IEEE Energycon , Leuven, Belgien (2016).
- Frey, K., Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Automated Operation of Parallel VSC HVDC Links within an Interconnected AC Network. Presented at the IEEE PES General Meeting , Boston, USA (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741348.
- Eberlein, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of Resynchronisation Process and its Influence on Microgrid Components. Presented at the CIRED Workshop “Electrical Networks for Society and People” , Helsinki, Finland (2016).
- Frey, K., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Automated Operation Approach for Embedded HVDC Links during (N-1)-Conditions in the AC System. Presented at the IEEE Energycon , Leuven, Belgien (2016).
- Wiest, P., Frey, K., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Dynamic Curtailment Method for Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grid Planning. Presented at the IEEE PES General Meeting , Boston, USA (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741410.
- Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S.: Einfluss der Kabelschirmung der Batterie- und Motorkabel eines Traktionsinverters auf die Störspannung an der Bordnetznachbildung. In: Tagungsband. pp. 481–488 (2016).
- Walker, G., Fernandez, J.M., López Mestre, Q., Tenbohlen, S.: A proposal for charging infrastructure with phase balancing capabilities. Presented at the IEEE Energycon , Leuven, Belgien (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Jagers, J., Bastos, G., Desai, B., Diggin, B., Fuhr, J., Gebauer, J., Krüger, M., Lapworth, J., Manski, P., Mikulecky, A., Müller, P., Rajotte, C., Sakai, T., Shirasaka, Y., Vahidi, F.: Transformer reliability survey. Electra. (2016).
- Mitchell, S.D., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Discrimination of Partial Discharge Sources in the UHF Domain. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION. 23, 1068–1075 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2015.005015.
- Schichler, U., Koltunowicz, W., Gautschi, D., Girodet, A., Hama, H., Lopez-Roldan, J., Neuhold, S., Neumann, C., Okabe, S., Pearson, J., Pietsch, R., Riechert, U., Tenbohlen, S.: UHF Partial Discharge Detection System for GIS: Application Guide for Sensitivity Verification. Cigre Technical Brochure 654. (2016).
- Lapworth, J., Picher, P., Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S., et al.: Transformer Thermal Modelling. Cigre Technical Brochure. (2016).
- Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Characterization of UHF PD Sensors for Power Transformers Using an Oil-filled GTEM Cell. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION. 23, 1580–1588 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2016.005562.
- Coenen, S., Siegel, M., Luna, G., Tenbohlen, S.: Parameters influencing Partial Discharge Measurements and their Impact on Diagnosis, Monitoring and Acceptance Tests of Power Transformers. Presented at the 46. CIGRE Session , Paris, France August (2016).
- Frey, K., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Automated Operation of Parallel VSC HVDC Links Embedded in an AC Power System. Presented at the 46. CIGRE Session , Paris, France August (2016).
- Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, S., Fritsche, R.: Characterization of inhomogeneous field breakdown in natural ester liquid compared to mineral oil. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering 2016 (ICHVE) , Chengdu, China September (2016).
- Hillenbrand, P., Böttcher, M., Tenbohlen, S., Hansen, J.: Frequency Domain EMI-Simulation and Resonance Analysis of a DCDC-Converter. Presented at the EMC Europe 2016 , Wroclaw, Polen September (2016).
- Suttner, C., Ebbinghaus, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Alternative Coupling Method for Immunity Testing of Power Grid Protection Equipment. Presented at the EMC Europe 2016 , Wroclaw, Polen September (2016).
- Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, S.: Comparative Study on Inhomogeneous Field Breakdown in Natural Ester Liquid and Mineral Oil. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation & Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP 2016) , Toronto, Canada October (2016).
- Arnold, P., Tenbohlen, S., Riechert, U.: PD characteristics of metallic protrusions in SF6-insulated coaxial electrode arrangements at DC stress. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation & Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP 2016) , Toronto, Canada October (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M.: Partial Discharge Monitoring of Power Transformers by UHF Sensors. Presented at the ARWtr2016 - Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers , La Toja Island, Spain October (2016).
- Samimi, M.H., Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S., Shayegani Akmal, A.A., Mohseni, H.: Simulation of the Transformer Frequency Response Using a 3D Model. Presented at the International Power System Conference (PSC2016) , Tehran, Iran October (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Schmidt, N., Breuer, C., Khandan, S., Lebreton, R.: Optical and Numerical Investigation of Oil Flow Velocities Inside a Zigzag Cooled Winding Model. Presented at the ARWtr2016 - Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers , La Toja Island, Spain October (2016).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S.: The Numerical Indices Proposed for the Interpretation of the FRA Results: a Review. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Jagers, J., Bastos, G., Desai, B., Diggin, B., Fuhr, J., Gebauer, J., Krüger, M., Lapworth, J., Manski, P., Mikulecky, A., Müller, P., Rajotte, C., Sakai, T., Shirasaka, Y., Vahidi, F.: Development and Results of a Worldwide Transformer Reliability Survey. Presented at the 8th CIGRE Workspot “International workshop on Power Transformers, Equipment, Substations and Materials” , Recife, Brazil November (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Schmidt, N., Breuer, C., Lebreton, R.: Determination of Hot Spots in Transformer Windings by CDF-modelling. Presented at the 8th CIGRE Workspot “International workshop on Power Transformers, Equipment, Substations and Materials” , Recife, Brazil November (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Djamali, M.: Assessment of Overload Capability of Power Transformers by online Monitoring. Presented at the 8th CIGRE Workspot “International workshop on Power Transformers, Equipment, Substations and Materials” , Recife, Brazil November (2016).
- Schühle, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Bonmann, D.: Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells für Leistungstransformatoren zur Betrachtung magnetischer Flüsse bei Sättigung. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Beltle, M., Schühle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Sundermann, U.: Betrachtung galvanisch eingekoppelter Gleichströme im Übertragungsnetz und deren Auswirkungen auf Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: TE-Monitoring von Leistungstransformatoren mittels UHF Sensoren. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik , Berlin November (2016).
- Kattmann, C., Siegel, M., Walker, G., Tenbohlen, S.: Kontinuierliche, breitbandige Analyse der Spannungsqualität bis 150 kHz. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Suttner, C., Ebbinghaus, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Untersuchung des Übertragungsverhaltens von Kleinsignal-Wandlern für Schutz- und Messzwecke. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Tenbohlen, S., Vahidi, F., Jagers, J.: A Worldwide Transformer Reliability Survey. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Radakovic, Z., Radoman, U., Vukotic, D., Tenbohlen, T.: Dynamic top oil thermal model of oil-immersed power transformers with tap changer. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Haegele, S., Tenbohlen, S., Rapp, K., Sbravati, S.: Vergleichsstudie zur Durchschlagsspannung von variablen, inhomogenen Elektro¬den-anordnungen in natürlichem Ester und Mineralöl. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Vorschlag zur Kalibrierung der UHF Teilentladungsmessung an Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Adam, B., Tenbohlen, S.: Vergleich von Merkmalen und Klassifikatoren für eine automatisierte Auswertung von Teilentladungsmustern. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Vahidi, F., Rapp, K., Luksich, J., Tenbohlen, S.: Comparative Study on Impact of Cellulose Particles on Electrical Conductivity of Mineral Oil and Natural Ester. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S.: Kombinierter in-Öl Sensor zur akustischen und UHF TE-Messung für das Monitoring von Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the VDE-Fachtagung Hochspannungstechnik 2016 , Berlin November (2016).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Shayegani Akmal, A.A., Mohseni, H.: Improving the numerical indices proposed for the FRA interpretation by including the phase response. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 83, 585–593 (2016).
- Betle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Power Transformer Diagnosis based on Mechanical Oscillations due to AC and DC Currents. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION. 23, 1515–1522 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2016.005537.
- Nemati, M., Zoeller, T., Müller, H., Tao, L., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimal energy management system for future microgrids with tight operating constraints. In: 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Lissabon, Portugal, May 19-22, 2015, session S20. IEEE (2015).
- Tenbohlen, S., Jagers, J., Bastos, G., Desai, B., Diggin, B., Fuhr, J., Gebauer, J., Krüger, M., Lapworth, J., Manski, P., Mikulecky, A., Müller, P., Rajotte, C., Sakai, T., Shirasaka, Y., Vahidi, F.: Transformer reliability survey, (2015).
- Hillenbrand, P., Keller, C., Spanos, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Understanding conducted emissions from an automotive inverter using a common-mode model. Presented at the Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC Europe , Dresden (2015).
- Brunner, M., Rupp, L., Tenbohlen, S.: Einfluss dezentraler Wärmepumpen auf die Netzausbaukosten des Niederspannungsnetzes. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2015 , Dortmund (2015).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A dynamic top oil temperature model for power transformers with consideration of the tap changer position. Presented at the 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2015) , Pilsen (2015).
- Frey, K., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Optimal operation strategy for VSC HVDC links within an interconnected power system. In: CIGRE International Symposium: Across Borders - HVDC Systems and Market Integration, Lund, Schweden, 26.-27. Mai 2015 (2015).
- Kattmann, C., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Clustering of smart meter data for data compression and fast power flow computation. In: CIRED 2015, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon, Frankreich, June 15-18, 2015 (2015).
- Walker, G., Nägele, H., Kniehl, F., Probst, A., Brunner, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Application of cluster reference grids for an optimized grid simulation. In: CIRED 2015, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon, Frankreich, June 15-18, 2015 (2015).
- Seitz, P.P., Gulski, E., Wild, M., de Vries, F.: Long lengths transmission power cables on-site testing up to 500 kV by damped AC voltages. Presented at the Jicable 2015, 9th International conference on Insulated Power Cables , Versailles, France (2015).
- Frey, K., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Optimale Integration von HGÜ-Leitungen in das deutsche Verbundsystem. Ingenieurspiegel. 2015, 48–49 (2015).
- Frey, K., Rudion, K., Christian, J.: Betriebsführungsstrategien für die optimale Integration von HGÜ-Strecken in Deutschland. EW- das Magazin für die Energie-Wirtschaft. 2015, 40–43 (2015).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Diagnostic interpretation of mechanic oscillations of power transformers. Presented at the 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2015) , Pilsen, Czech Republic (2015).
- Beckler, S., Lehner, J., Arnold, A., Kaptue Kamga, A., Frey, K., Rudion, K.: DC fault currents for FB-MMC HVDC with bipolar configuration. Presented at the International ETG-Congress 2015 , Bonn, Germany (2015).
- Tenbohlen, S., Jagers, J., Bastos, G., Desai, B., Diggin, B., Fuhr, J., Gebauer, J., Krüger, M., Lapworth, J., Manski, P., Mikulecky, A., Müller, P., Rajotte, C., Sakai, T., Shirasaka, Y., Vahidi, F.: Development and results of a worldwide transformer reliability survey. Presented at the CIGRE SC A2 Colloquium 2015 , Shanghai, China (2015).
- Beltle, M., Schühle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Influences of direct currents on power transformers caused by AC-HVDC interactions in hybrid grids. Presented at the 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2015) , Pilsen, Czech Republic (2015).
- Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S., Roesner, M., Perrier, Ch., Stirl, T.: The influence of moisture during the electrical conductivity measurement on the high density impregnated pressboard. Presented at the 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2015) , Pilsen, Czech Republic (2015).
- Brunner, M., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Voltage support in distribution grids using heat pumps. In: CIRED 2015, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon, Frankreich, June 15-18, 2015 (2015).
- Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: New hybrid planning approach for distribution grids with a high penetration of RES. In: CIRED 2015, 23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Lyon, Frankreich, June 15-18, 2015 (2015).
- Stirl, T., Harthun, J., Perrier, C., Devaux, F., Carlon, C., Tenbohlen, S., Schmidt, N.: Experiences with green power transformers. Presented at the Matpost 2015 , Lyon, France (2015).
- Samimi, M.H., Tenbohlen, S., Shayegani-Akmal, A.A., Mohseni, H.: Effect of terminating and shunt resistors on the FRA method sensitivity. Presented at the International Power System Conference , Teheran (2015).
- Tenbohlen, S., Djamali, M.: A dynamic top oil temperature model for online assessment of overload capability of power transformers. Presented at the CIGRE SC A2 Colloquium 2015 , Shanghai, China (2015).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S., Rudion, K.: Effects of state estimation accuracy on the voltage control of low voltage grids. Presented at the 2015 International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies (EDST 2015) , Vienna (2015).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S., Walker, G.: Assessment of the dynamic overload capability of distribution transformers. Presented at the 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2015) , Pilsen, Czech Republic (2015).
- Suttner, C., Tenbohlen, S., Ebbinghaus, W.: Impact of Rogowski sensors on the EMC performance of medium voltage power substations. Presented at the Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC Europe , Dresden (2015).
- Eilenberger, S., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S., Berber, I.: Modern voltage regulation methods for network planning and operation in low voltage grids. Presented at the PowerTech 2015, Towards Future Power Systems and Emerging Technologies , Eindhoven, Niederlande (2015).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S., Dolata, B., Luna, G., Louise, S.: Practical sensitivity of online UHF PD monitoring on large power transformers. In: CIGRE SC A2 Colloquium 2015, Shanghai, China, Sept. 20-25, 2015 (2015).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Groß, D., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimale Integration von erneuerbaren Energien mittels Zustandsschätzung in Verteilnetzen. Ingenieurspiegel. 2015, 44–46 (2015).
- Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Weather data-based load profile modeling for grid expansion planning. Presented at the PowerTech 2015, Towards Future Power Systems and Emerging Technologies , Eindhoven, Niederlande (2015).
- Hillenbrand, P., Tenbohlen, S.: Ursachen leitungsgebundener Störungen eines KFZ-Inverters im CISPR25-Komponententest. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. 132, 149–154 (2015).
- Nemati, M., Bennimar, K., Tao, L., Müller, H., Tenbohlen, S., Braun, M.: Optimization of microgrids short term operation based on an enhanced genetic algorithm. In: IEEE PowerTech conference, Eindhoven, Niederlande, June 29 - July 2, 2015 (2015).
- Schneider, D., Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Koehler, W.: Radiated Emissions of an Electric Drive System Estimated on a Bench Using Disturbance Currents and Transfer Functions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 57, 311–321 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2015.2401735.
- ETG-Taskforce, Brunner, M.: Potenziale für Strom im Wärmemarkt bis 2050 - Wärmeversorgung in flexiblen Energieversorgungssystemen mit hohen Anteilen an erneuerbaren Energien. Studie der Energietechnischen Gesellschaft im VDE (ETG). (2015).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Power Transformer Diagnosis based on Mechanical Oscillations due to AC and DC Currents. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION. pp. 1515–1522. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC (2015). https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2016.005537.
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Comparison between Electrical and UHF PD Measurement concerning Calibration and Sensitivity for Power Transformers. Presented at the CMD 2014, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Jeju, Korea (2014).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S., Rudion, K.: Modellierung eines dreiphasigen Zustandsschätzers mit Berücksichtigung des Neutralleiters. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Walker, G., Krauss, A.-K., Eilenberger, S., Schweinfort, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Entwicklung eines standardisierten Ansatzes zur Klassifizierung von Verteilnetzen. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Szewczyk, M., Pawlowski, J., Kutorasinski, K., Burow, S., Tenbohlen, S., Piasecki, W.: Identification of Rational Function in S-domain Describing a Magnetic Material Frequency Characteristics. Presented at the 9th IET International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2014) , London, UK (2014).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Brunner, M., Frey, K., Kattmann, C., Wiest, P., Rudion, K.: Optimale Netzintegration erneuerbarer Energien. Forschungsreport Elektrotechnik in Baden-Württemberg. 42–44 (2014).
- Eilenberger, S., Schäfer, J., Wiest, P., Tenbohlen, S., Schöllhorn, D.: Power Management Systems for Voltage Control in Probabilistic Simulations. Presented at the PMAPS 2014, 13th International Conference on Probablistic Methods Applied to Power Systems , Durham, UK (2014).
- Harthun, J., Stirl, T., Jovalekic, M.: Einsatz umweltfreundlicher Isolierflüssigkeiten in Leistungstransformatoren unter Berücksichtigung tiefer Temperaturen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2014 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2014).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Design of an Oil-filled GTEM Cell for the Characterization of UHF PD Sensors. Presented at the CMD 2014, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Jeju, Korea (2014).
- Siegel, M., Hägele, S., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Empfindlichkeitsvergleich von elektrischer und UHF-Teilentladungsmessung zur Diagnose von Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Beltle, M., Schühle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Auswirkungen von Gleichströmen auf Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Nemati, M., Tao, L., Nauhauser, T., Müller, H., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimal Operation and Sizing of Battery Storage Systems for Microgrid Peak Shaving Applications. Presented at the 7th International Conference on PV-Hybrids and Mini-Grids , Bad Hersfeld, Germany (2014).
- Nauhauser, T., Nemati, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Unsicherheiten der PV- & Windenergieerzeugung und deren Einfluss auf Energiemanagementsysteme in Mikronetzen. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2014 , Stuttgart, Germany (2014).
- Straub, T., Brunner, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Einfluss von Nachtspeicheröfen auf elektrische Verteilnetze. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2014 , Stuttgart, Germany (2014).
- Sultani, S., Brunner, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Nutzung saisonaler Wärmespeicher zur Stabilisierung elektrischer Verteilnetze. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2014 , Stuttgart, Germany (2014).
- Niasar, M.G., Kiiza, R.C., Taylor, N., Xiaolei, W., Edin, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Effect of Partial Discharges on Thermal Breakdown of Oil Impregnated Paper. Presented at the 2014 International Conference on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM) , Niigata City, Japan (2014).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Quak, B.: Vergleich des Teilentladungsverhaltens zwischen AC und DAC bei verschiedenen Frequenzen. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Schichler, U., Koltunowicz, W., Tenbohlen, S., et. al.: Risk Assessment on Defects in GIS based on PD Diagnostics. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Arnod, P., Tenbohlen, S., Hering, M., Riechert, U.: Detektion freibeweglicher, leitfähiger Partikel in SF6 unter Gleichspannung. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Nemati, M., Eberlein, S., Tao, L., Müller, H., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimale Einsatzplanung dezentraler Anlagen in Mikrostromnetzen mittels genetischem Algorithmus. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Wille-Haussmann, B., Brunner, M., Gerhardt, N., Kleimaier, M., Mayrhofer, P., Poehlmann, A., Rummeni, J., von Roon, S., Werner, J.: Wärme- und Kälteversorgung in Städten und Regionen mit hohen Anteilen an erneuerbaren Energien in der Stromversorgung. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Schwingungsmessung an Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Djamali, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A Priori Metrics to Select the Best Training Dataset of Top-Oil Temperature Models of Power Transformer. Presented at the International Conference on High Voltage engineering and its Applications (ICHVE) , Poznan, Poland (2014).
- Ciuriuc, A., Notingher, P., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Experimental Study on Vegetable and Mineral Transformer Oils Properties. Presented at the 14th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2014) , Brasov, Romania (2014).
- Fohry, E., Müller, A., Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Neue Methodik der Zustandsüberwachung von Transformatoren mithilfe von Online- TE-Messung und Vibrationsmonitoring. Presented at the VGB Powertech KELI 2014, Konferenz Elektrotechnik, Leittechnik, Informationsverarbeitung im Kraftwerk , Landshut, Germany (2014).
- Arnold, P., Hering, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Riechert, U., Straumann, U.: Discharge Phenomena at Partially Damaged Dielectric Electrode Coatings in SF6-Insulated Systems at AC and DC Stress. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications , Orléans, France (2014).
- Nemati, M., Imran, M., Müller, H., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Frequency and Voltage Control in Microgrids: Modeling and Simulations in Islanded Mode. Presented at the ISGT 2014, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe , Istanbul, Turkey (2014).
- Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S.: Statistical Failure Analysis of European Substation Transformers. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Hering, M., Speck, J., Backhaus, K., Großmann, S., Arnold, P., Riechert, U.: Untersuchungen zur Detektion von festen Störstellen auf Isolatoren in gasisolierten Systemen bei Gleichspannungsbelastung. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Wiest, P., Rudion, K., Probst, A.: Optimierung der Verteilnetzplanung mit hohem Anteil an dezentraler Erzeugung. Ingenieurspiegel. 42–44 (2014).
- Arnold, P., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Riechert, U., Straumann, U.: Fixed Particles in Coaxial SF6 Arrangements at Various Voltage Stresses. Presented at the International Conference on High Voltage engineering and its Applications (ICHVE) , Poznan, Poland (2014).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Quak, B.: Comparison of Partial Discharge Behavior with Alternating Current and Damped Alternating Current at Different Frequencies. Presented at the CMD 2014, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Jeju, Korea (2014).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E., Jongen, R.: On-site Testing and Diagnosis of Distribution and Transmission Power Cables Using Damped AC Voltages. Presented at the CMD 2014, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Jeju, Korea (2014).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E., Jongen, R., Erbrink, J.: Degradation Effects and Diagnosis of On-load Tap Changer in Power Transformers. Presented at the CMD 2014, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Jeju, Korea (2014).
- Vahidi, F., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Rösner, M., Perrier, C., Fink, H.: Space Charge Formation in Insulating Liquids under DC Stresses. Presented at the 18th IEEE international Conference on Dielectric Liquids , Bled, Slovenia (2014).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Kalibrierbarkeit verschiedener TE-Messverfahren für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2014 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2014).
- Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Aufbau einer ölgefüllten GTEM-Zelle zur Vermessung der Empfindlichkeit von Sensoren zur UHF-Teilentladungsmessung. Presented at the 6. ETG-Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2014).
- Brunner, M., Schäfer, I., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Jahreszeiten auf den Beitrag von Wärmepumpen zur Spannungshaltung. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Notz, S., Rudion, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Zustandsschätzungsbasierte Spannungsregelung im NS-Netz. Presented at the VDE-Kongress Smart Cities – intelligente Lösungen für das Leben in der Zukunft , Frankfurt, Germany (2014).
- Wiest, P., Eilenberger, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Ausfallarbeit bei einem Einspeisemanagement für Photovoltaikanlagen im Niederspannungsnetz. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2014 , Stuttgart, Germany (2014).
- Kattmann, C., Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Database-Assisted Load Flow Simulation for Low Voltage Grids Using a Model Reduction Approach. Presented at the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2014 , Washington D.C., USA (2014).
- Vahidi, F., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Rösner, M., Perrier, C., Fink, H.: Influence of Electrode Material on Conductivity Measurements under DC Stresses. Presented at the 18th IEEE international Conference on Dielectric Liquids , Bled, Slovenia (2014).
- Nemati, M., Tao, L., Nauhauser, T., Müller, H., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Optimal Microgrid Energy Management Strategies Concerning Uncertainties of Renewable Energy Generation. Presented at the 7th International Conference on PV-Hybrids and Mini-Grids , Bad Hersfeld, Germany (2014).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Kattmann, C., Saur, R., Tenbohlen, S.: Usage of Artificial Neural Networks for Pseudo Measurement Modeling in Low Voltage Distribution Systems. Presented at the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2014 , Washington D.C., USA (2014).
- Ebbinghaus, W., Suttner, C., Burger, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Systembasierte EMV-Prüfung für Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen – Grenzen der geltenden Störfestigkeitsanforderungen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2014 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2014).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: The Influence of Network Impedance on Conducted Disturbances within the High-Voltage Traction Harness of Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on EMC. 56, 35–43 (2014).
- Lombardi, P., Röhrig, C., Rudion, K., Marquardt, R., Müller-Mienack, M., Estermann, A.S., Styczynski, Z.A., Voropai, N.I.: An A - CAES Pilot Installation in the Distribution System-A Technical Study for RES Integration. Journal on Energy Science & Engineering, Wiley. 2, 116–127 (2014).
- Burow, S., Straumann, U., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: New Methods of Damping Very Fast Transient Overvoltages in Gas-Insulated Switchgear. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 29, 2332–2339 (2014).
- Smajic, J., Shoory, A., Burow, S., Holaus, W., Riechert, U., Tenbohlen, S.: Simulation-Based Design of HF Resonators for Damping Very Fast Transients in GIS. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 29, 2528–2533 (2014).
- Burow, S., Straumann, U., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Damping of VFTO by RF Resonator and Nanocrystalline Materials. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference 2013 , Ottawa, Canada (2013).
- Hohloch, J., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Aidam, M., Ludwig, A., Pan, X.: RF Coupling Behaviour between the High and Low Voltage Levels in Automotive Power Networks. Presented at the 12th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe , Bruges, Belgium (2013).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Einfluss der Batterieimpedanz auf EMV-Störgrößen im Hochvoltbordnetz elektrisch angetriebener Kraftfahrzeuge. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Vahidi, F., Tenbohlen, S., Rösner, M., Perrier, C., Fink, H.: The Investigation of the Temperature and Electric Field Dependency of Mineral Oil Electrical Conductivity. Presented at the 4. ETG-Fachtagung “Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen” , Dresden, Germany (2013).
- Probst, A., Tenbohlen, S., Seel, M., Braun, M.: Probabilistic Grid Planning with Consideration of Dispersed Generation and Electric Vehicles. Presented at the CIRED, 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution , Stockholm, Sweden (2013).
- Burow, S., Straumann, U., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Measurement System for Very Fast Transient Overvoltages in Gas Insulated Switchgear. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference 2013 (EIC) , Ottawa, Canada (2013).
- Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Analysis of Fault Gas Losses through the Conservator Tank of free-breathing Power Transformers. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigations of in-oil Methods for PD Detection and Vibration Measurement. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Vahidi, F., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Rösner, M., Perrier, C., Fink, H.: Electrical Conductivity Measurement and Determination of Ion Mobility in Insulating Oil. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference 2013 (EIC) , Ottawa, Canada (2013).
- Brunner, M., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Heat Pumps as Important Contributors to Local Demand-side Management. Presented at the Powertech 2013 , Grenoble, France (2013).
- Nemati, M., Imran, M., Meyer, B., Braun, M., Mueller, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Development of Generic Dynamic Models for Distributed Generators in Microgrids. Presented at the Powertech 2013 , Grenoble, France (2013).
- Eilenberger, S., Schöllhorn, D., Walker, G., Tenbohlen, S., Braun, M.: Probabilistic Simulation for LF-Grid Optimization with new Network Components. Presented at the CIRED, 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution , Stockholm, Sweden (2013).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E., Jongen, R.: Power Cable Modeling for PD Pulse Propagation and Sensitivity. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference 2013 (EIC) , Ottawa, Canada (2013).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Influence of a Traction Battery’s Input Impedance on Conducted Emissions of an Automotive HV Inverter. Presented at the 12th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe , Bruges, Belgium (2013).
- Su Win, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Partial Discharge Localization in Power Transformers. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Eilenberger, S., Kayser, G., Tenbohlen, S., Schöllhorn, D., Braun, M., Sojer, M., Smolka, T.: Probabilistische Netzsimulation zur Bewertung von regelbaren Transformatoren. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Vibration Analysis of Power Transformers. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Schneider, D., Böttcher, M., Schoch, B., Hurst, S., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Transfer Functions and Current Distribution Algorithm for the Calculation of Radiated Emissions of Automotive Components. Presented at the 12th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe , Bruges, Belgium (2013).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S., Schöllhorn, D., Braun, M.: Platzierung von Messstationen zur Zustandsschätzung in Niederspannungsnetzen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Hohloch, J., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Ludwig, A., Pan, X.: Untersuchung der elektromagnetischen Kopplung zwischen KFZ-Bordnetzen mit verschiedenen Spannungsebenen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Reuter, M., Eidher, R., Pfaff, W.: EMV-Bewertung von Hochvolt-Topologien auf Komponenten- und Systemebene. Presented at the 6. GMM-Fachtagung, Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit in der Kfz-Technik , Stuttgart, Germany (2013).
- Ellerbrock, A., Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Design and Building of a Cheap Smart Meter. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Summit (PESS) 2013 , Bielefeld, Germany (2013).
- Reuter, M., Friedl, T., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Emulation of Conducted Emissions of an Automotive Inverter for Filter Development in HV Networks. Presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , Denver, USA (2013).
- Müller, A., Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Assessment of UHF PD Monitoring Data by Means of Pattern Recognition. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Schneider, D., Böttcher, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Pre-Compliance Test Method for Radiated Emissions with Multiple Segment Transfer Functions. Presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , Denver, USA (2013).
- Tenbohlen, S., Siegel, M., Beltle, M., Reuter, M.: Suitability of Ultra High Frequency Partial Discharge Measurement for Quality Assurance and Testing of Power Transformers. Presented at the CIGRE SC A2 & C4 JOINT COLLOQUIUM 2013 , Zurich, Switzerland (2013).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S., Schöllhorn, D., Braun, M.: Development of State Estimator for Low Voltage Networks Using Smart Meters Measurement Data. Presented at the Powertech 2013 , Grenoble, France (2013).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Jongen, R., Quak, B.: Untersuchung von Teilentladungsverhalten mit Wechselspannung und gedämpfter Wechselspannung. Presented at the 4. ETG-Fachtagung “Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen” , Dresden, Germany (2013).
- Coenen, S., Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigations of in-oil Methods for PD Detection and Vibration Measurement. Presented at the CIGRE SC A2 & C4 JOINT COLLOQUIUM 2013 , Zurich, Switzerland (2013).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kristiansen, H.O.: New Methods for Multisource PD Localization On Power Transfomers by an Acoustic Sensor Array. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Tenbohlen, S., Schöllhorn, D., Braun, M.: Meter Placement for Low Voltage System State Estimation with Distributed Generation. Presented at the CIRED, 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution , Stockholm, Sweden (2013).
- Smajic, J., Shoory, A., Burow, S., Holaus, W., Riechert, U., Tenbohlen, S.: Simulation Based Design of HF-Resonators for Damping of Very Fast Transients in GIS. Presented at the COMPUMAG 2013 , Budapest, Hungary (2013).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E., Jongen, R., de Vries, F.: Practical Aspects of PD Localization for Long Length Power Cables. Presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference 2013 (EIC) , Ottawa, Canada (2013).
- Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S., Chen, S., Breuer, C.: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Temperature Distribution inside Oil-Cooled Transformer Windings. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2013 , Seoul, South Korea (2013).
- Beltle, M., Gnädig, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Sundermann, U., Schatzl, F.: Beeinflussung von Leistungstransformatoren in Hybridnetzen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Brunner, M., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Wärmepumpen als Möglichkeit zur Spannungsregelung in Niederspannungsnetzen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Berlin, Germany (2013).
- Schichler, U., Koltunowicz, W., Endo, F., Feser, K., Giboulet, A., Girodet, A., Hama, H., Lundgaard, L., Meijer, S., Neumann, C., Okabe, S., Pearson, J., Pietsch, R., Riechert, U., Tenbohlen, S., Hampton, B., Roldan, J.L., Kranz, H.-G.: Risk Assessment on Defects in GIS Based on PD Diagnostics. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 20, 2165–2172 (2013).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Harthun, J., Perrier, C.: Performance of Alternative Insulating Liquids at Low Temperature. Presented at the 4. ETG-Fachtagung “Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen” , Dresden, Germany (2013).
- Moranda, H., Gielniak, J., Graczkowski, A., Przybylek, P., Walczak, K., Nadolny, Z., Moscicka-Grzesiak, H., Feser, K., Gubanski, S.: Moisture in Cellulose Insulation of Power Transformers – Statistics. In: IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. pp. 982–987 (2013).
- von Appen, J., Estrella, R., Braun, M.: Technical and economical assessment of different storage use cases for distribution grid operation. Presented at the CIRED Workshop , Lisbon, Portugal (2012).
- Hohloch, J., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Aidam, M., Ludwig, A.: Measurement of Transfer Impedances of Components for Automotive High-Voltage Power Networks. Presented at the EMC Europe 2012 , Rome, Italy (2012).
- Rätzke, S., Koch, M., Jovalekic, M.: Dielectric Response Measurements of Natural Esters in Comparison to Mineral Oil. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2012 , Paris, France (2012).
- Kayser, G., Probst, A., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Probabilistische Lastmodellierung von Haushaltslasten. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit , Ilmenau, Germany (2012).
- Binder, J., Mohring, H.-D., Landau, M., van Appen, J., Braun, M., Schmiegel, A.U., Marcel, J.-C., Martin, N., Thomas, U., Woyke, W., Garhamer, M., Magnor, D., Sauer, D.-U., Jehoulet, C., Schuh, H.: Erfahrungen bei der Installation und beim Betrieb von PV-Speichersystemen: Feldtest des Sol-ion Systems in Süddeutschland, Guadeloupe und an Forschungsinstituten. Presented at the 27. Symposium „Photovoltaische Solarenergie“ , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2012).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kornhuber, S.: Teilentladungsmonitoring von Leistungstransformatoren mit der UHF-Methode. ew - das Magazinfür die Energiewirtschaft. 64–67 (2012).
- Nemati, M., Braun, M., Ramold, M., Müller, H.: Entwicklung eines Optimierungstools zur Dimensionierung und Platzierung eines Batteriespeichers in Mikronetzen. Presented at the VDE-Kongress, Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Heindl, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S.: Untersuchung der Vergleichbarkeit von Übertragungsfunktionsmessungen (FRA) an Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kornhuber, S.: Neue Methoden zur Ortung mehrerer TE-Quellen mittels akustischem Sensorarray. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Tenbohlen, S., Heindl, M., Jovalekic, M., Müller, A., Siegel, M.: Trends in der Diagnostik von Hochspannungs-Betriebsmitteln. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Heindl, M., Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S., Sundermann, U., Schatzl, F.: Betriebsverhalten von Leistungstransformatoren in Hybridnetzen. Presented at the VDE-Kongress, Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Kämpf, E., Bauer, M., Schwinn, R., Braun, M.: ICT infrastructure design considering ICT contingencies and reserve requirements on transmission level. In: ISGT Europe. pp. 1–7. IEEE (2012).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Usability of Vibration Measurement for Power Transformer Diagnosis and Monitoring. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Untersuchung der Vibrationen von Leistungstransformatoren für Diagnose und Monitoring. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Wang, H., Braun, M., Schöllhorn, D.: Zustandsschätzung in Niederspannungsnetzen mit Hilfe von Smart Meter. Presented at the VDE-Kongress, Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Jovalekic, M., Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S., Harthun, J., Perrier, C.: Comparative Experimental Study of Dielectric Strength of Oil-cellulose Insulation for Mineral and Vegetable-based Oils. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation (ISEI) , San Juan, Puerto Rico (2012).
- Girma, Z., Braun, M.: Stand Alone Hybrid Power System Design for Rural Electrification in Ethiopia. Presented at the National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovations for the prosperous Ethiopia (NCSTI) , Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (2012).
- Burow, S., Riechert, U., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: New mitigation methods for transient overvoltages in gas insulated substations. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2012 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2012).
- Hohloch, J., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Aidam, M., Krauß, T.: Charakterisierung und Vergleich leitungsgebundener Störungen an KFZ-Hochvoltbordnetzen. Presented at the EMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2012).
- Wild, M., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E.: Die Anwendung von gedämpften Wechselspannungen für Vor-Ort-Prüfungen und Zustandsbestimmung von Hochspannungskabeln. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S., Mazidi, P.: The Overload Assessment of Power Transformers by Thermal Monitoring. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Beck, K., Hingerl, H., Schimmelmann, M.-C., Steub, V., Eilenberger, S., Braun, M.: Possibilities to electrify a developing country considering local conditions. Presented at the 2nd Workshop on Renewable Energies Smart Grid and Green ICT , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Gassing behavior of various alternative insulating liquids under thermal and electrical stress. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation (ISEI) , San Juan, Puerto Rico (2012).
- Schneider, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Pre-Compliance Test Method for Radiated Emissions of Automotive Components Using Scattering Parameter Transfer Functions. Presented at the EMC Europe 2012 , Rome, Italy (2012).
- Schmidt, N., Wildenhain, J., Skrzypek, R.: Beurteilung der Überlastbarkeit von Windparktransformatoren durch Monitoring. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2012 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2012).
- Siegel, M., Kornhuber, S., Beltle, M., Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Monitoring von Teilentladungen in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2012 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2012).
- Horn, J., Probst, A., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A new approach using load control to dampen interarea frequency oscillations. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit , Ilmenau, Germany (2012).
- Körner, C., Oechsle, F., Braun, M., Probst, A.: Leistungsabhängige Spannungsregelung im Mittelspannungsnetz. Presented at the 7. ETG/FNN-Tutorial Schutz- und Leittechnik 2012 , Mainz, Germany (2012).
- Köthe, C., Garhamer, M., Braun, M.: Beitrag der Photovoltaik zur Netzstabilisierung durch Einspeisemanagement. Presented at the 27. Symposium „Photovoltaische Solarenergie“ , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2012).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Gas in Öl Analyse verschiedener alternativer Isolieröle unter thermischen und elektrischen Belastungen. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Probst, A.: Neuer Ansatz zur Dämpfung von Frequenzpendelungen im Übertragungsnetz durch Elektromobilität. Presented at the Energiecampus , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Müller, A., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Solubility Study of Different Gases in Mineral and Ester-based Transformer oils. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Jongen, R., Quak, B., Tenbohlen, S., Gulski, E.: New developments in on-site testing of long lengths of (E)HV power cable. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Stetz, T., Wolf, H., Probst, A., Eilenberger, S., Saint Drenan, Y.-M., Kämpf, E., Braun, M., Schöllhorn, D., Schmidt, S.: Stochastische Analyse von Smart-Meter-Messdaten. Presented at the VDE-Kongress, Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Influence of Termination Impedance on conducted Emissions in Automotive High Voltage Networks. Presented at the EMC Europe 2012 , Rome, Italy (2012).
- Tenbohlen, S., Heindl, M., Jovalekic, M.: On-site PD Diagnostics, FRA and Moisture Measurement for Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power and Energy. 132, 1–5 (2012).
- Reuter, M., Waible, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Einfluss der Abschlussimpedanz von Hochvoltkabeln auf Funkstörgrößen in elektrisch angetriebenen Kraftfahrzeugen. Presented at the EMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2012).
- Burger, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Ebbinghaus, W.: Auswirkungen multipler Rückzündungen in vakuumisolierten Leistungsschaltern auf die EMV von Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen. Presented at the EMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2012).
- Hoek, S., Kraetge, A., Koch, M., Kessler, O., Heindl, M.: Emission and Dissipation Mechanisms of PD Pulses for UHF and Traditional Electrical Measurements. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Fehlergasverluste über das Ausdehnungsgefäß eines freiatmenden Leistungstransformators. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Beltle, M., Siegel, M., Tenbohlen, S., Coenen, S.: Untersuchungen verschiedener Verfahren zur TE-Detektion und zur Vibrationsmessung. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Schmidt, N., Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S., Chen, S.: Experimental Investigation of the Temperature Distribution within the Low Voltage Winding of a Large Power Transformer. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Karimifard, P., Gharehpetian, G.B., Ghanizadeh, A.J., Tenbohlen, S.: Estimation of simulated transfer function to discriminate axial displacement and radial deformation of transformer winding. COMPEL, The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronics engineering, Special section: selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment. 1277–1293 (2012).
- Abdel-Majeed: Zustandsschätzung in Niederspannungsnetzen mit Hilfe von Smart Metern. Presented at the Energiecampus , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Diwold, K., Yan, W., De Alvaro Garcia, L., Mocnik, L., Braun, M.: Coordinated Voltage-Control in Distribution Systems under Uncertainty. Presented at the UPEC - 47th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference , London, UK (2012).
- Abdel-Majeed, A., Braun, M.: Low Voltage System State Estimation Using Smart Meters. Presented at the UPEC - 47th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference , London, UK (2012).
- Frotscher, R., Vukovic, D., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Harthun, J., Perrier, C., Schäfer, M.: Behaviour of Ester Liquids under Dielectric and Thermal Stress – From Laboratory Testing to Practical Use. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2012 , Paris, France (2012).
- Wiest, P., Probst, A., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Batteriespeichern zur Frequenzregelung. Presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit , Ilmenau, Germany (2012).
- Schneider, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Untersuchung von Vorhersagemethoden der Abstrahlung bei Komponententests nach CISPR 25. Presented at the EMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2012).
- Eilenberger, S., Braun, M.: Herausforderungen und Lösungen für das Verteilnetz von morgen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2012 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2012).
- von Appen, J., Braun, M., Zinßer, B., Stellbogen, D.: Leistungsbegrenzung bei PV-Anlagen - Anpassung der Modellierungsmethoden und Vergleich verschiedener Standorte. Presented at the 27. Symposium „Photovoltaische Solarenergie“ , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2012).
- Burger, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köher, W., Ebbinghaus, W.: Impact of Multiple Restrikes at Vacuum Circuit Breakers on the EMC of Medium Voltage Switchgear. Presented at the EMC Europe 2012 , Rome, Italy (2012).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Messung leitungsgebundener Störgrößen von Komponenten für Hochvolt-Anwendungen. Presented at the 4. AutoTest, Fachkonferenz zum Thema: „Test von Hard- und Software in der Automobilentwicklung“ , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Rodriguez, D.I.H., Spitalny, L., Myrzik, J.M.A., Braun, M.: Development of a control strategy for mini CHP plants for an active voltage management in low voltage networks. Presented at the IEEE ISGT , Berlin, Germany (2012).
- Purnomoadi, A.P., Al-Suhaily, M.A.G., Meijer, S., Smit, J.J., Burow, S., Tenbohlen, S.: The Influence of Free Moving Particles on the Breakdown Voltage of GIS under Different Electrical Stresses. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Beltle, M., Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Analysis of UHF PF Monitoring Data by Means of Normalized Cross-Correlation. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Bali, Indonesia (2012).
- Eilenberger, S., Schöllhorn, D., Braun, M.: Aktives, intelligentes Niederspannungsnetz Sonderbuch - Messdaten, Simulation und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten. Presented at the VDE-Kongress, Smart Grid - Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft , Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
- Müller, A., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Studie über die Löslichkeit verschiedener Gase in mineralischen und auf Estern basierenden Transformator- Ölen. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Beltle, M., Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Analyse von UHF-TE-Langzeitmessungen mittels bilderkennender Verfahren. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Burow, S., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Streumann, U.: Messung und Dämpfung von sehr schnellen Transienten (VFT) in gasisolierten Schaltanlagen. Presented at the VDE-ETG-Fachtagung: Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Fulda, Germany (2012).
- Tenbohlen, S., et al.: Transformer Reliability Survey: Interim Report. Electra. 46–49 (2012).
- Stetz, T., Braun, M.: Improved Grid-Integration of Photovoltaic Systems in Germany - Technical and Economical Analysis of Improved Operation Methods for PV Inverters in Low Voltage Systems. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 1–9 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1109/TSTE. 2012.2198925.
- Braun, M., Stetz, T., Bründlinger, R., Mayr, C., Ogimoto, K., Hatta, H., Kobayashi, H., Kroposki, B., Mather, B., Coddington, M., Lynn, K., Graditi, G., Woyte, A., MacGill, I.: Is the Distribution Grid Ready to Accept Large Scale Photovoltaic Deployment? - State of the Art, Progress and Future Prospects. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. 20, 681–697 (2012).
- Hoek, S., Koch, M., Heindl, M.: Emission and Propagation Mechanisms of PD Pulses for UHF and Traditional Electrical Measurements. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI). 4, 393–404 (2012).
- Beltle, M., Müller, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Statistical Analysis of Online Ultrahigh-Frequency Partial-Discharge Measurement of Power Transformers. IEEE Elecrical Insulation Magazine. 28, 15–19 (2012).
- Koch, M., Rätzke, S., Freiburg, M., Jovalekic, M.: Monitoring of the Drying Process of Power Transformers Using Dielectric Response Analysis. Presented at the 10th HRO CIGRÉ Session , Cavtat, Croatia (2011).
- Probst, A., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Erstellung und Simulation probabilistischer Lastmodelle von Haushalten und Elektrofahrzeugen zur Spannungsbandanalyse. Presented at the VDE-Kongress , Würzburg, Germany (2011).
- Müller, P., Tenbohlen, S., Maier, R., Anheuser, M.: Current Characteristics of Serial and Parallel Low Current Arc Faults in Distribution Networks. Presented at the 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) , Frankfurt, Germany (2011).
- Burger, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Ebbinghaus, W.: Investigation of Electromagnetic Disturbance Sources in Medium Voltage Switchgear. Presented at the 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) , Frankfurt, Germany (2011).
- Probst, A., Siegel, M., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Impacts of Electric Mobility on Distribution Grids and Possible Solution through Load Management. Presented at the 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) , Frankfurt, Germany (2011).
- Burger, D., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Ebbinghaus, W.: Sources of Transient Electromagnetic Disturbance in Medium Voltage Switchgear. Presented at the EMC Europe 2011 , York, United Kingdom (2011).
- Hohloch, J., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Aidam, M., Krauß, T.: Measurement of Conducted Interferences in Automotive High-Voltage Power Networks. Presented at the EMC Europe 2011 , York, United Kingdom (2011).
- Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S., Wimmer, R.: Transformer Modeling Based on Standard Frequency Response Measurements. (2011).
- Jovalekic, M., Kolb, D., Tenbohlen, S., Bates, L., Szewczyk, R.: A Methodology for Determining Water Saturation Limits and Moisture Equilibrium Diagrams of Alternative Insulation Systems. Presented at the 17th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids , Trondheim, Norway (2011).
- Schmiegel, A.U., Knaup, P., Meißner, A., Braun, M., Landau, M., Büdenbender, K., Geipel, R., Vachette, C., Mohring, H.-D., Binder, J., Sauer, D.U., Magnor, D., Jehoulet, C., Schuh, H.: Leistungsfähigkeit und Verhalten von PV- Speichersystemen, Erfahrungen mit Solion Systemen. Presented at the 26. Symposium für Potovoltaische Solarenergie , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2011).
- Speckmann, M., Schlögl, F., Hochloff, P., Lesch, K., Stetz, T., Braun, M.: The RegModHarz Architecture – Facing the Challanges caused by Transformation to a Distributed Energy System. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources. 7, (2011).
- Jung, M., Barth, H., Braun, M.: Höher integrierter Stromrichter - Kombiniert kabelgebundenes und induktives Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Würzburg, Germany (2011).
- Weinläder, A., Wu, W., Tenbohlen, S., Wang, Z.: Prediction of the Oil Flow Distribution in Oil-immersed Transformer Windings by Network Modelling and CFD. IET Electric Power Applications. (2011).
- Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Ludwig, A.: Impedance Analysis of Automotive High Voltage Networks for EMC Measurements. Presented at the EMC Europe 2011 , York, United Kingdom (2011).
- Koch, M., Rätzke, S., Krüger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: A Systematic Benchmark of todays Moisture Assessment Methods for Power Transformers. Presented at the Matpost 2011 , Lyon, France (2011).
- Smajic, J., Holaus, W., Troeger, A., Burow, S., Brandl, R., Tenbohlen, S.: HF Resonators for Damping of VFTs in GIS. Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems Transients , Delft, Netherlands (2011).
- Jovalekic, M., Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Dissolved gas analysis of alternative dielectric fluids under thermal and electrical stress. (2011).
- Heindl, M., Beltle, M., Reuter, M., Schneider, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of GIC related Effects on Power Transformers using modern Diagnostic Methods. (2011).
- Hoek, S., Koch, M., Heindl, M.: Distribution and Propagation Mechanisms of PD Pulses for UHF and Traditional Electrical Measurements. (2011).
- Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S., Skrzypek, R., Dolata, B.: Assessment of Overload Capabilities of Power Transformers. (2011).
- Stetz, T., Braun, M.: Dezentrale Verfahren zur Spannungshaltung in Niederspannungsnetzen - eine Fallstudie. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. 128, 105–109 (2011).
- Stetz, T., Braun, M., Nehrkorn, H.-J., Schneider, M.: Maßnahmen zur Spannungshaltung in Mittelspannungsnetzen – Welchen Beitrag können dezentrale Energieerzeugungsanlagen leisten? / Methods for Maintaining Voltage Limitations in Medium Voltage Systems. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Würzburg, Germany (2011).
- Rätzke, S., Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Jovalekic, M., Marinescu, A., Budan, B.: Monitoring the water content in power transformers during oven drying process. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & D1 Joint Colloquium , Kyoto, Japan (2011).
- Barth, H., Jung, M., Braun, M., Schmülling, B., Reker, U.: Concept Evaluation of an Inductive Charging System for Electric Vehicles. Presented at the 3rd European Conference SmartGrids and E-Mobility , Munich, Germany (2011).
- Tenbohlen, S., Probst, A., Wajant, P.: Neuer Strom in alten Netzen? Erneuerbare Energie, 3. Auflage. 112–119 (2011).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Heywood, R., Boltze, M.: Prospects and Limits of on-site PD Measurement Technique. Presented at the 2011 International Conference of Doble Clients , Boston, USA (2011).
- Tenbohlen, S., Pfeffer, A., Coenen, S.: On-site Partial Discharge Measurement in Power Transformers by UHF Sensors. Presented at the Highvolt Symposium , Dresden, Germany (2011).
- Yan, W., Braun, M., von Appen, J., Kämpf, E., Kraiczy, M., Ma, C., Stetz, T., Schmidt, S.: Operation Strategies in Distribution Systems with High Level PV Penetration. Presented at the ISES Solar World Congress , Kassel, Germany (2011).
- Abdel-Majeed, M., Viereck, R., Oechsle, F., Braun, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Effects of Distribution Generators from Renewable Energy on the Protection System in Distribution Networks. Presented at the UPEC - 46th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference , Soest, Germany (2011).
- Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S., Kornhuber, S.: Pulse-Sequence Analysis of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers. (2011).
- Müller, A., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Assessment of Oil Analysis Data for Medium Voltage Distribution Transformers. (2011).
- Coenen, S., Müller, A., Beltle, M., Kornhuber, S.: UHF and Acoustic Partial Discharge Localisation in Power Transformers. (2011).
- Büdenbender, K., Braun, M., Thomas, U., Schmiegel, A., Magnor, D., Marcel, J.C.: Verbesserung der PV-Integration in das Verteilnetz. ep Photovoltaik. (2011).
- Büdenbender, K., Barth, H., Braun, M., Strauß, P.: Eigenverbrauch: Wirtschaftlichkeit und Technik, neue Einspeiseregeln. Presented at the 26. Symposium für Potovoltaische Solarenergie , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2011).
- Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S., Harthun, J., Perrier, C., Fink, H.: Breakdown Strength of Vegetable-based Oils Under AC and Lightning Impulse Voltages. Presented at the 17th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids , Trondheim, Norway (2011).
- Taylor, G.A., Axon, C.J., Wallom, D., Salvini, S., Lewin-Eytan, L., Grenard, S., Braun, M., Lang, P.: Developing novel high performance computing and messaging solutions for smart distribution network operation. Presented at the Novel Solutions for ICT as the Backbone of Smart Distribution , Darmstadt, Germany (2011).
- Velev, G.T., Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S., Petrov, P.K.: Verification of Analytical Expressions for Calculation of the Resistance to Ground of Single Conductive Concrete Encased Grounding Electrodes by FEM. (2011).
- Burow, S., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W., Smajic, J., Tröger, A., Holaus, W.: Can ferrite Materials or resonant Arrangements reduce the Amplitudes of VFTO in GIS? (2011).
- Braun, M., Ma, C.: Improving Capacity Utilization - Low Voltage Grids with high Photovoltaic penetration The Electric Power System of the Future - Integrating supergrids and microgrids. Presented at the CIGRE Symposium , Bologna, Italy (2011).
- Reichmuth, M., Erfurt, I., Büdenbender, K., Barth, H., Braun, M.: Eigenverbrauch von PV-Strom – Wohin führt die letzte EEG-Änderung? Presented at the 26. Symposium für Potovoltaische Solarenergie , Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2011).
- Müller, P., Tenbohlen, S., Maier, R., Anheuser, M.: Influence of Capacitive and Inductive Loads on the Detectability of Arc Faults. (2011).
- Estrella, R., Strauss, P., Braun, M., Karres, S., Klaus, W., Rodriguez, I., Moreno, A., Samaniego, A., Manzano, L.: PV-Battery-Biofuel Hybrid System for ZERO Fossil Fuel Electricity Generation on the Galapagos Islands. Presented at the ISES Solar World Congress , Kassel, Germany (2011).
- Tenbohlen, S., Vahidi, F., Gebauer, J., Krüger, M., Müller, P.: Assessment of Power Transformer Reliability. (2011).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Bates, L., Szewczyk: Water saturation limits and moisture equilibrium diagrams of alternative insulation materials. (2011).
- Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S., Kornhuber, S.: Influences of PD Location and Frequency ranges on Measured Apparent charges. (2011).
- Müller, A., Beltle, M., Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Correlation of DGA, UHF PD Measurement and Vibration Data for Power Transformer Monitoring. (2011).
- Weinläder, A., Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S., Harthun, J., Fink, H., Chen, S.: Thermal-Hydraulic Investigation of a Large Power Step Up Transformer. (2011).
- Oyedokun, D.T., Gaunt, C.T., Tenbohlen, S., Heindl, M., Beltle, M., Reuter, M., Schneider, D.: Laboratory Test for GIC Effects on Power Transformers. (2011).
- Beltle, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigations on Vibrations of Power Transformers. (2011).
- Büdenbender, K., Braun, M., Stetz, T., Strauß, P.: Multifunctional PV Systems Offering Additional Functionalities and Improving Grid Integration. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources. 7, (2011).
- Bäz-Oberhäuser, F., Ackermann, F., Einfeld, H., Horff, R., Emmerich, R., Braun, M.: Multifunktionale Stromrichtersysteme zur Nachbildung netzgekoppelter Elektrofahrzeuge. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Würzburg, Germany (2011).
- Braun, M., von Appen, J., Yan, W., Kämpf, E., Stetz, T., Ma, C.: Maßnahmen für eine verbesserte PV-Netzintegration / Measures for improved PV grid integration. Presented at the Internationaler ETG-Kongress , Würzburg, Germany (2011).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S., Bates, L., Szewczyk, R.: Water saturation limits and moisture equilibrium diagrams of alternative insulation materials. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & D1 Joint Colloquium , Kyoto, Japan (2011).
- Koch, M., Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Diagnostic Tests for Ester Filled Transformers. Presented at the Cigre SC A2 & D1 Joint Colloquium , Kyoto, Japan (2011).
- Tenbohlen, S.: Herausforderungen und Lösungen für die Energieversorgungsnetze. Stiftungsreihe 93, Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung. (2011).
- Probst, A.C., Braun, M., Backes, J., Tenbohlen, S.: Probabilistic analysis of voltage bands stressed by electric mobility. In: ISGT Europe. pp. 1–8. IEEE (2011).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Evolution of Bubbles in Oil-Paper-Insulation Influenced by Material, Quality and Aging. IET Electr. Power Appl. 5, 168–174 (2011).
- Rahimpour, E., Tenbohlen, S.: Fault Diagnosis of Actual Large-Power High-Voltage Windings using Transfer Function Method. Archives of Electrical Engineering. 60, 269–281 (2011).
- Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S., Schaefer, M., Haug, R.: Determining Power Transformers’ Sequence of Service in Power Grids. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 18, 1789–1797 (2011).
- Tenbohlen, S., Koch, M.: Aging Performance and Moisture Solubility of Vegetable Oils for Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 25, 825–830 (2010).
- Koch, M., Koltunowicz, W., Fischer, M.: Condition Monitoring as a Basis for Effective Asset Management. (2010).
- Coenen, S., Reuter, M., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S.: Influence of PD Location in Transformer windings on IEC60270- and UHFMeasurements. (2010).
- Bründlinger, R., Mayr, C., Fechner, H., Braun, M., Ogimoto, K., Frederiksen, K., Kroposki, B., Graditi, G., MacGill, I.F., Turcotte, D., Perret, L.: Bringing together international research on High Penetration PV in Electricity Grids – The new Task 14 of the IEA-PVPS programme. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources , Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (2010).
- Tenbohlen, S.: On site Measurement of Partial Discharges – Experiences with multi-Terminal IEC PD measurements, UHF PD measurements and Acoustic PD Localisation. Presented at the CIGRE VI Workspot – Int. Workshop on Power Transformers , Foz do Iguacu, Brasil (2010).
- Hohloch, J., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Aidam, M., Krauß, T.: Messverfahren zur Beurteilung des Emissionsverhaltens von geschirmten Energiekabeln für KFZ-Hochvoltbordnetze. Presented at the EMV 2010 Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2010).
- Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S., Schäfer, M., Haug, R.: Determining Power Transformers’ Sequence of Maintenance and Repair in Power Grids. (2010).
- Tenbohlen, S., Pfeffer, A., Coenen, S.: On-site Experiences with Multi-Terminal IEC PD Measurements, UHF PD Measurements and Acoustic PD Localisation. (2010).
- Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Investigation of the Thermal Behaviour of Transformers by CFD and Validation by Measurements. (2010).
- Koch, M., Rätzke, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Die Leitfähigkeit von Isolierflüssigkeiten bei niedrigen Frequenzen und Gleichspannung. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung Isoliersysteme bei Gleich- und Mischfeldbeanspruchung , Cologne, Germany (2010).
- Schmidt, N., Tenbohlen, S.: Beurteilung der Überlastbarkeit von ON-gekühlten Leistungstransformatoren. ew - das Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft. 70–74 (2010).
- Koch, M., Raetzke, S., Krueger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Moisture Diagnostics of Power Transformers by a Fast and Reliable Dielectric Response Method. Presented at the CIGRE VI Workspot – Int. Workshop on Power Transformers , Foz do Iguacu, Brasil (2010).
- Heindl, M., Wimmer, R., Christian, J.: FRA – Ein neuer Standard zur Wicklungsdiagnose. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2010 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2010).
- Hoek, S., Koch, M., Heindl, M.: Propagation Mechanisms of PD Pulses for UHF and Traditional Electrical Measurements. (2010).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Werner, F.-R., Markalous, S.: Localization of PD Sources inside Transformers by Acoustic Sensor Array and UHF Measurements. (2010).
- Tenbohlen, S., Streibl, F., Pratler, C., Hartmann, J.: Leiterplatten-EMV-Filter. In: GMM Fachbericht (2010).
- Win, S.S., Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Localization of Partial Discharges in Power Transformer by Acoustic Method. Presented at the Second IEEE Student Conference 2010 , Hamburg, Germany (2010).
- Rapp, K.J., McShane, C.P., Vandermaar, J., Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Long Gap Breakdown of Natural Ester Fluid. Presented at the International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application , New Orleans, USA (2010).
- Müller, P., Tenbohlen, S., Maier, R., Anheuser, M.: Characteristics of Series and Parallel Low Current Arc Faults in the Time and Frequency. (2010).
- Troeger, A., Riechert, U., Burow, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Sensitivity Evaluation of Different Types of PD Sensors for UHF-PD-Measurements. (2010).
- Hohloch, J., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Aidam, M., Krauß, T.: Measurement of Transient Pulses on High-Voltage Automotive Power Networks. Presented at the VDE-Kongress 2010, E-Mobility , Leipzig, Germany (2010).
- Reuter, M., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Characterization of automotive High Voltage Networks for EMI Measurements. Presented at the VDE-Kongress 2010, E-Mobility , Leipzig, Germany (2010).
- Probst, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Herausforderungen und Chancen für das Stromnetz durch Elektromobilität. Presented at the VDE-Kongress 2010, E-Mobility , Leipzig, Germany (2010).
- Büdenbender, K., Stetz, T., Emmerich, R., Bäz-Oberhäuser, F., Einfeld, H., Braun, M.: Ladestrategien für Elektrofahrzeuge. Presented at the VDE-Kongress 2010, E-Mobility , Leipzig, Germany (2010).
- Coenen, S., Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S., Wilson, A., Markalous, S.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Vor-Ort-Teilentladungsmesstechnik. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2010 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2010).
- Fischer, M., Lübbe, T., Tenbohlen, S., Schäfer, M., Haug, R.: Effiziente Zuteilung knapper Wartungs- und Instandsetzungsresourcen an Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2010 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2010).
- Koch, M., Krueger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: On-site Methods for Reliable Moisture Determination in Power Transformers. Presented at the Transmission and Distribution Conference 2010 IEEE PES , New Orleans, USA (2010).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Pfeffer, A., Wilson, A., Markalous, S.: Combination of Different Techniques for Improved Interpretation of PD Measurements. Presented at the CIGRE Session , Paris, France (2010).
- Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S., Wittmaack, R.: Prediction of the Oil Flow and Temperature Distribution in Power Transformers by CFD. Presented at the CIGRE Session , Paris, France (2010).
- Velásquez Contreras, J.L., Sanz-Bobi, M.A., Koltunowicz, W., Kraetge, A., Heindl, M.: Pattern Recognition of the Factors affecting the Reproducibility of FRA Measurements in Power Transformers. (2010).
- Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S., Velásquez, J., Kraetge, A., Wimmer, R.: Transformer Modelling Based On Frequency Response Measurements For Winding Failure Detection. (2010).
- Duval, M., Atanasova-Hoehlein, I., Cyr, M., Grisaru, M., Carrander, K., Scatiggio, F., Tenbohlen, S., Dukarm, J., Arvidsson, L., Boman, P., Hall, A.: Report on Gas Monitors for Oil-Filled Electrical Equipment. Electra. 74–79 (2010).
- Gubanski, S.M., Blennow, J., Holmgren, B., Koch, M., Kuechler, A., Kutzner, R., Lapworth, J., Linhjell, D., Tenbohlen, S., Werelius, P.: Dielectric Response Diagnoses for Transformer Windings. Electra. 64–71 (2010).
- Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Evaluation of Parameters of Lightning Impulse Voltages from Transformer Tests Using the New k-factor Approach. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 17, 953–958 (2010).
- Rahimpour, E., Tenbohlen, S.: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Disc Space Variation in real High- Voltage Windings using Transfer Function Method. IET Electr. Power Appl. 4, 451–461 (2010).
- Rahimpour, E., Jabbari, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Mathematical Comparison Methods to Assess Transfer Functions of Transformers to Detect Different Types of Mechanical Faults. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 25, 2544–2555 (2010).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Diagnostic Application of Moisture Equilibrium for Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 25, 2574–2581 (2010).
- Gulski, E., Strehl, T., Muhr, M., Tenbohlen, S., Meijer, S., Judd, M.D., Bodega, R., Lemke, E., Jongen, R.A., Coenen, S., Larzelere, B., Hanai, M., Agoris, P.: Guidelines for Unconventional Partial Discharge Measurements. Electra. 91–95 (2010).
- M. Duval, M., Hoehlein, I., Scatiggio, F., Cyr, M., Grisaru, M., Frotscher, R., Martins, M., Bates, L., Boman, P., Hall, A.C., Wilson, G., Arvidsson, L., Szebeni, M., Carrander, K., Athanassatou, H., Haug, A.M., Moellmann, A., Knab, H.J., VanPeteghem, J., Buchgraber, G., Tenbohlen, S., Maina, R., Pahlavanpour, B., McShane, P., Myers, C., Martin, R., Wang, Z.: DGA in Non-Mineral Oils and Load Tap Changers and Improved DGA Diagnosis Criteria. Electra. 85–89 (2010).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Influence of Automotive Harnesses on Conducted Emissions. (2009).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Gas-in-Öl-Analyse natürlicher Esterflüssigkeiten unter thermischen und elektrischen Belastungen. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Detektion und Ortung von Teilentladungen durch die UHF-TE-Messmethode. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Müller, P., Tenbohlen, S., Maier, R., Anheuser, M.: Artificial Low current Arc Faults for Pattern Recognition in Low voltage Switchgear. (2009).
- Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Velàsquez, J.L.: Algorithmische Bestimmung der Pol-Nullstellen-Darstellung von Transferfunktionen bei Leistungstransformatoren zur Bewertung von FRA-Messungen. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Velásquez, J.L., Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Experiences with the practical application of sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) on power transformers. (2009).
- Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Velásquez, J.L.: Determining of Pole-Zero Representations of FRA Measurement Data for Interpretation of Power Transformer Transfer Function Deviations. (2009).
- Kraetge, A., Velásquez, J.L., Krüger, M., Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Erfahrungen mit dem praktischen Einsatz der Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) zur Messung von Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- D. Denissov, D., W. Köhler, W., S. Tenbohlen, S., R. Grund, R., T. Klein, T.: On-Site Condition Assessment of HV Cable Terminations in Service. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) , Prague, Czech Republic (2009).
- Wille-Hausmann, B., Wittwer, C., Tenbohlen, S.: Reduced Models for Operation Management of Distributed Generation. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) , Prague, Czech Republic (2009).
- Jagers, J., Tenbohlen, S.: Evaluation of Transformer Reliability Data Based on National and Utility Statistics. (2009).
- Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Comparative evaluation of breakdown strength of natural esters and mineral oil. (2009).
- Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Improved Condition Assessment by Fuzzy-Modelling, Adjustment and Merging of DGA’s Interpretation Methods. (2009).
- Koch, M., Krüger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Methoden zur Feuchtebestimmung in Transformatoren im Vergleich. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Jovalekic, M., Vukovic, D., Tenbohlen, S.: Dissolved gas analysis of natural ester fluids under electrical and thermal stress. (2009).
- Coenen, S., Heindl, M., Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S.: On Site Experiences with Multi-Terminal IEC PD Measurements, UHF PD Measurements and mixed UHF and Acoustic PD Localisation. Presented at the EuroDoble2009 , Berlin, Germany (2009).
- Tenbohlen, S., Vukovic, D., Jovalekic, M., Schäfer, M., Harthun, J.: Dielectric performance and dissolved gas analysis of natural esters for application in power transformers. Presented at the CIGRE international colloquium on “Materials and emerging test techniques” , Budapest, Hungary (2009).
- Jovalekic, M., Tenbohlen, S.: The influence of carboxylic acids on the dielectric performance of oil-paper insulations. (2009).
- Pfeffer, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Analysis of full and chopped Lightning Impulse Voltages from Transformer Tests using the new k-Factor Approach. (2009).
- Koch, M., Krüger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Comparing Various Moisture Determination Methods for Power Transformers. (2009).
- Jagers, J., Tenbohlen, S.: Differences Approaches for the Acquisition of Reliability Statistics. (2009).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Sensitivity Limits of UHF PD Measurements on Power Transformers. (2009).
- Müller, P., Tenbohlen, S., Maier, R., Anheuser, M.: Erzeugung von stromschwachen Störlichtbögen zur Diagnose von Fehlern in Niederspannungsschaltanlagen. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Pfeffer, A., Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Mehrstellen-Teilentladungs-Messung und UHF-Messmethode zur Vor-Ort-TEDiagnose von Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Streibl, F., Tenbohlen, S., Hartmann, J., Dudenhoeffer, E.: Setup for Measuring the Derating of SMD Components under ESD Stress. (2009).
- Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Thermal-hydraulic investigation of transformer windings by CFD-Modelling and measurements. (2009).
- Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Unscharfe Modellierung, Anpassung und Verdichtung von DGA-Interpretationsmethoden für eine präzisere Zustandsabschätzung. Presented at the Fachtagung 4: „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Düsseldorf, Germany (2009).
- Pfeffer, A., Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Onsite experiences with multi-terminal IEC PD measurements and UHF PD measurements. (2009).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Fundamental Characteristics of UHF PD Probes and the Radiation Behavior of PD Sources in Power Transformers. (2009).
- Heindl, M., Tenbohlen, S., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Velásquez, J.L.: Algorithmic Determination of Pole-Zero Representations of Power Transformers’ Transfer Functions for Interpretation of FRA Data. (2009).
- Karimifard, P., Gharehpetian, G.B., Tenbohlen, S.: Localization of Winding Radial Deformation and Determination of Deformation Extent using Vector Fitting-based Estimated Transfer Function. European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP). 19, 749–762 (2009).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S., Köhler, W.: Time Domain Characterization of Radio Frequency Sources for the Design of Noise Suppression Filters. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 51, (2009).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Sensitivity of UHF PD measurements. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Denissov, D., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Grund, R., Klein, T.: Simulation of UHF PD wave propagation in plug-in cable terminations. Presented at the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, ISEI 2008 , Vancouver, Canada (2008).
- Hayder, T., Schälri, U., Feser, K., Schiel, L.: Universal Adaptive Differential Protection for Regulating Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 23, 568–575 (2008).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Der Einfluss von Alterung und Materialeigenschaften auf dielektrische Messungen an Öl-Papier-Isolierungen. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung: Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Würzburg, Germany (2008).
- Tenbohlen, S., Koch, M., Seibold, R.: Das Alterungsverhalten verschiedener Esterflüssigkeiten für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung: Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Würzburg, Germany (2008).
- Klein, T., Denissov, D., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Application of UHF method for on-line PD diagnostics of cable terminations. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2008 , Paris, France (2008).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Simulationsmodelle zur Bestimmung der Funkstörfeldstärke beliebiger Leiteranordnungen für den Komponentenaufbau nach CISPR25. Presented at the EMV 2008, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2008).
- Koch, M., Krüger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Moderne Verfahren zur Wasserbestimmung in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Seibold, R., Tenbohlen, S.: Wasseraufnahmevermögen und Alterungsverhalten von Pflanzenölen für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Judd, M.D., Meijer, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Sensitivity check for RF PD detection for power transformers. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Beijing, China (2008).
- Tenbohlen, S., Hoek, S., Denissov, D., Markalous, S.: Partial Discharge Measurement in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Range. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 15, 1544–1552 (2008).
- Koch, M., Krüger, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Onsite-Diagnostik zur Feuchtebestimmung in Transformatoren. Bulletin SEV/AES. (2008).
- Grund, R., Denissov, D., Klein, T., Zühlke, L., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Anwendung der UHF-TE-Messtechnik an Hochspannungskabelgarnituren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Karimifard, P., Gharehpetian, G.B., Tenbohlen, S.: Determination of axial displacement extent based on transformer winding transferfunction estimation using vector-fitting method. European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP). 18, 423–436 (2008).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S.: A Fast Radiated Emission Model for Arbitrary Cable Harness Configurations Based on Measurements and Simulations. Presented at the EMC 2008, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , Detroit, USA (2008).
- Zerrer, M., Aidam, M., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: The Benefit of Characteristic Transfer Functions in Automotive EMC. Presented at the ISAPE 2008, International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory , Kunming, China (2008).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Sensitivity of UHF PD Measurements in Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 15, 1553–1558 (2008).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Efficient Characterization of RF Sources for the Design of Noise Suppression Filters. Presented at the ISAPE 2008, International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory , Kunming, China (2008).
- Zerrer, M., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K., Aidam, M.: Einsatz von Transferfunktionen zur Klassifizierung von Einbauorten elektronischer Steuergeräte im Kraftfahrzeug. Presented at the EMV 2008, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2008).
- Voigt, G., Tenbohlen, S.: Tan Delta Messungen und Teilentladungsdiagnose bei VLF Prüfspannungen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Weinläder, A., Schmied, C.: Die Kühlung von Transformatoren bei Einsatz von Pflanzenölen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2008 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2008).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Attenuation of UHF signals regarding the Sensitivity Verification for UHF PD Measurements on Power Transformers. Presented at the IEEE Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Beijing, China (2008).
- Pfeffer, A., Steiner, T., Tenbohlen, S.: Neuerungen bei der Auswertung von Blitzstoßspannungsverläufen bei der Transformatorprüfung. ETZ. 50–53 (2008).
- Markalous, S., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Detection and Location of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers using acoustic and electromagnetic signals. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 15, 1576–1583 (2008).
- Streibl, F., Tenbohlen, S., Hartmann, J., Zerrer, M.: Derating of Ceramic Capacitors during Electrostatic Discharges. Presented at the EMC Europe 2008 , Hamburg, Germany (2008).
- Tenbohlen, S., Weinläder, A.: Modellierung der Ölströmung und Temperaturverteilung in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the , Hannover, Germany (2008).
- Tenbohlen, S., Koch, M., Vukovic, D., Weinläder, A., Baum, J., Harthun, J., Schäfer, M., Barker, S., Frotscher, R., Dohnal, D., Dyer, D.: Application of vegetable oil-based insulating fluids to hermetically sealed power transformers. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2008 , Paris, France (2008).
- Weinläder, A., Tenbohlen, S.: Thermohydraulische Untersuchung von Transformatorwicklungen durch Messung und Simulation. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung: Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Würzburg, Germany (2008).
- Aragón-Patil, J., Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S., Wang, Z.D., Schäfer, M., Atanasova-Höhlein, I.: Investigation on Sampling, Measurement and Interpretation of Gas-in-Oil Analysis for Power Transformers. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2008 , Paris, France (2008).
- Hoek, S., Coenen, S., Bornowski, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Fundamental Differences of the PD Measurement according to IEC 60270 and in UHF range. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Beijing, China (2008).
- Denissov, D., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Grund, R., Klein, T.: Wide and narrow band PD detection in plug-in cable connectors in the UHF range. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD) , Beijing, China (2008).
- Rebholz, H., Tenbohlen, S.: Prospects and Limits of Common- and Differential-Mode Separation for the Filter Development Process. Presented at the EMC Europe 2008 , Hamburg, Germany (2008).
- Jarman, P., Stenestam, B.-O., Hunter, I., Garnitschnig, A., Mortensen, E., Viereck, K., Kuppuswamy, R., Tenbohlen, S., Meijer, S., Wilson, A., Chauke, M., Judd, M., Vancotthem, J., Woodcock, D., Dupont, C.J., Harley, J., Fantana, N., Aubin, J., Sokolov, V., Mehta, S., Ward, B.: Recommendations for Condition Monitoring and Condition Assessment Facilities for Transformers. Report WG A2.27 (CIGRE), Electra. 48–57 (2008).
- Picher, P., Lapworth, J., Noonan, T., Christian, J., Alpatov, M., Bormann, D., Breytenbach, R., Dick, P., Drobyshevski, A., Dumbrava, I., Fisher, R., Hoidalen, H.K., Jarman, P., Kispal, I., Kraetge, A., Leibfried, T., Malewski, R., Ocon, R., Perez, E., Rickmann, J., Shirasaka, Y., Tenbohlen, S., Tiberg, M., Wang, Z., Werelius, P., Zaleski, R.: Mechanical Condition Assessment of Transformer Windings using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA). Report WG A2.26 (CIGRE), Electra. 34–46 (2008).
- Sokolov, V., Aubin, J., Davydov, V., Gasser, H.-P., Griffin, P., Koch, M., Lundgaard, L., Roizman, O., Scala, M., Tenbohlen, S., Vanin, B.: Moisture Equilibrium and Moisture Migration within Transformer Insulation Systems. Report WG A2.30 (CIGRE), Electra. 24–33 (2008).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S., Strehl, T.: Performance Check and Sensitivity Verification for UHF PD measurements on power transformers. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Blennow, J., Hoehlein, I.: Reliability and Improvements of Water Ttitration by the Karl Fischer Technique. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Wimmer, R., Tenbohlen, S., Heindl, M., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Christian, J.: Development of an Algorithm to Assess the FRA. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Denissov, D., Köhler, W., Hoek, S., Tenbohlen, S., Klein, T.: On-Line Partial Discharge Diagnostics for Cable Terminations. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Denissov, D., Grund, R., Klein, T., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: UHF Partial Discharge Diagnosis of Plug-in Cable Terminations. Presented at the UHF Partial Discharge Diagnosis of Plug-in Cable Terminations , Paris, France (2007).
- Wimmer, R., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Online Monitoring of a transformer by means of FRA. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Vilaithong, R., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Neural Network for Transformer Top-Oil Prediction. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Krüger, M., Kraetge, A.: A Comparative Test and Consequent Improvements on Dielectric Response Methods. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Rebholz, H.: Entwicklung einer Busleitung mit Ferritabschirmung. Elektro Automation. (2007).
- Aragón-Patil, J., Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Improvement of Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) by Means of Experimental Investigations of Generated Fault Gases and a Fuzzy Logic Based Interpretation Scheme. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Giselbrecht, D., Homagk, C., Leibfried, T.: Onsite, Online and Post Mortem Insulation Diagnostics at Power Transformers. Presented at the Cigré SC A2 & D1 Colloquium , Bruges, Belgium (2007).
- Aragón-Patil, J., Tenbohlen, S., Bräsel, E., Sasum, U.: Improved Monitoring of Dissolved Transformer Gases on the Basis of a Natural Internal Standard (NIS). Presented at the Cigré SC A2 & D1- Colloquium , Bruges, Belgium (2007).
- Zerrer, M., Aidam, M., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: A Statistical Method to Improve Correlation of Automotive EMC-Measurements. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , Munich, Germany (2007).
- Rahimpour, E., Tenbohlen, S.: A Mathematical Model to Investigate Disc Space Variation in Power Transformer using Transfer Function Analysis. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S.: Detection of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers using UHF PD Measurements and Acoustic Measurements. Presented at the Highvolt Kolloquium , Dresden, Germany (2007).
- Aragón-Patil, J., Fischer, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Improvement of interpretation of dissolved gas analysis for power transformers. Presented at the International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials APTADM , Wroclaw, Poland (2007).
- Wimmer, R., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Christian, J.: The Influence of Connection and Grounding Technique on the Repeatability of FRA-Results. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Zerrer, M., Aidam, M., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Estimation of Electromagnetic Coupling Phenomena in a Vehicle Wiring Harness Using Characteristic Transfer Functions. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , Munich, Germany (2007).
- Hoek, S.M., Riechert, U., Strehl, T., Feser, K., Tenbohlen, S.: New Procedures for Partial Discharge Localization in Gas-Insulated Switchgears in Frequency and Time Domain. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Koch, M.: Feuchtebestimmung durch verbesserte Verfahren der dielektrischen Diagnostik. Presented at the Leistungstransformatoren – Monitoring und Instandhaltung, Energy-Support / VWEW Fachtagung , Fulda, Germany (2007).
- Koch, M.: Wasser in Großtransformatoren - Richtig messen und den Zustand beurteilen. Presented at the Nachhaltige Energieübertragung mit sicheren Transformatoren , Hamburg, Germany (2007).
- Rahimpour, E., Mousavi, A.: Determining the Frequency Characteristic of Transformer Reflection and Transmission Coefficients using Detailed Model. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Li, Y., Rungis, J., Pfeffer, A.: The Voltage and Time Parameter Measurement Uncertainties of a Large Damped Capacitor Divider due to its Non-ideal Step Response. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Koch, M.: Feuchtebestimmung durch verbesserte Onsite-Diagnostik. Presented at the Workshop Diagnostik von Leistungstransformatoren , Bregenz, Austria (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Fischer, M.: The Breakdown Voltage of Insulation Oil under the Influence of Humidity, Acidity,Particles and Pressure. Presented at the International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials APTADM , Wroclaw, Poland (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Systematic Investigations on the Evolution of Water Vapour Bubbles in Oil-Paper-Insulations. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007).
- Vilaithong, R., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Online Tap Changer Diagnosis Based on Acoustic Technique. Presented at the 3rd European Conference on HV & MV Substation Equipment (MATPOST ´07) , Lyon, France (2007).
- Wimmer, R., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K., Kraetge, A., Krüger, M., Christian, J.: A new Approach of FRA Assessment with Algorithms. Presented at the Cigré SC A2 & D1- Colloquium , Bruges, Belgium (2007).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Krüger, M., Kraetge, A.: Improved Moisture Analysis of PowerTtransformers Using Dielectric Response Methods. Presented at the 3rd European Conference on HV & MV Substation Equipment (MATPOST ´07) , Lyon, France (2007).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Fast Emission Measurement in Time Domain. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 49, 816–824 (2007).
- Vilaithong, R., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Investigation of Different Top-oil Temperature Models for On-line Monitoring System of Power Transformer. Presented at the CMD 2006 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Changwon, Korea (2006).
- Stirl, T., Skrzypek, R., Tenbohlen, S., Vilaithong, R.: On-line Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis for Power Transformers their Bushings, Tap Changer and Insulation system. Presented at the CMD 2006 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Changwon, Korea (2006).
- Koch, M.: Dielektrische Diagnoseverfahren im Vergleich. Presented at the Leistungstransformatoren – Monitoring und Instandhaltung, Energy-Support / VWEW Fachtagung , Fulda, Germany (2006).
- Moranda, H., Koch, M.: Program do analizy odpowiedzi czestotoliwosciowej (FDS) dielektrykow. Presented at the (2006).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Der Bubble-Effekt und das Risiko eines dielektrischen Fehlers in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel" , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Tenbohlen, S., Hoek, S., Denissov, D., Huber, R., Riechert, U., Markalous, S., Strehl, T., Klein, T.: Electromagnetic (UHF) PD Diagnosis of GIS, Cable Accessories and Oil-paper Insulated Power Transformers for Improved PD Detection and Localization. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2006 , Paris, France (2006).
- Zerrer, M., Köhler, W., Aidam, M., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Vergleichbarkeit verschiedener Emissionsmessverfahren in der Automobil-EMV_. Presented at the Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit , Düsseldorf, Germany (2006).
- Klein, T., Denissov, D., Markalous, S., Köhler, W.: Neue Technologien in der steckbaren Anschlusstechnik – Entwicklung einer Steckdurchführung und TE-Diagnose an Hochspannungskabelsteckern. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2006 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2006).
- Wimmer, R., Krüger, M.: Erhöhung der Reproduzierbarkeit von FRA-Messungen durch Standardisierung. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2006 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2006).
- Tenbohlen, S.: Moderne Diagnoseverfahren für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Leistungstransformatoren – Monitoring und Instandhaltung, Energy-Support / VWEW Fachtagung , Fulda, Germany (2006).
- Gubanski, S.M., Blennow, J., Karlsson, L., Feser, K., Tenbohlen, S., Neumann, C., Moscicka-Grzesiak, H., Filipowski, A., Tatarski, L.: Reliable Diagnostics of HV Transformer Insulation for Safety Assurance of Power Transmission System - REDIATOOL - a European Research Project. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2006 , Paris, France (2006).
- Neumann, C., Huber, R., Meurer, D., Plath, R., Schichler, U., Tenbohlen, S., Weck, K.-H.: The Impact of Insulation Monitoring and Diagnostics on Reliability and Exploitation of Service Life. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2006 , Paris, France (2006).
- Muhr, M., Strehl, T., Gulski, E., Feser, K., Gockenbach, E., Hauschild, W., Lemke, E.: Sensors and Sensing used for Non-Conventional PD-Detection. Presented at the CIGRE Session 2006 , Paris, France (2006).
- Markalous, S.: Neues Verfahren zur On-site Ortung von TE in Transformatoren. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2006 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2006).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Advanced Online Moisture Measurements in Power Transformers. Presented at the CMD 2006 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis , Changwon, Korea (2006).
- Fischer, M., Aragon Patil, J., Tenbohlen, S.: Interpretation der Gas-in-Öl-Analysen von Leistungstransformatoren durch Einsatz von Fuzzy Logik mit dem Ziel einer präziseren IT-gestützten Zustandserfassung. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Coenen, S., Tenbohlen, S., Markalous, S.: Elektromagnetische Teilentladungsmessung bei Leistungstransfomatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Koch, M.: Water in Power Transformers - Sources, Risks and Measurement Methods. Presented at the Workshop “Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers” , Dornbirn, Austria (2006).
- Christian, J., Wimmer, R.: Comparability of transfer function results. European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP). 16, 137–146 (2006).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Wasser in Leistungstransformatoren – Richtig messen und den Zustand beurteilen. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2006 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2006).
- Stiegler, M., Fischer, M.: Asset Management für SAP / Integration von Expertenwissen über technische Betriebsmittel in xRCM durch Einsatz von Fuzzy-Logik. Presented at the Stuttgarter Hochspannungssymposium 2006 , Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany (2006).
- Denissov, D., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S., Klein, T.: Praktische Probleme beim Einsatz der UHF-TE-Diagnostik an Hochspannungskabelsteckern im Betrieb. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Hoek, S., Riechert, U., Strehl, T., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Teilentladungsortung in GIS im Frequenzbereich. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Wimmer, R., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K., Krüger, M.: Richtlinien für den Messaufbau für eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit der FRA-Messergebnisse. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel" , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Ein neues Verfahren zur Online-Feuchtemessung in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Markalous, S., Zieschang, R., Strehl, T., Tenbohlen, S.: Neue Ansätze zur laufzeit-basierten Ortung von Teilentladungen in Transformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung „Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel“ , Kassel, Germany (2006).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E., Schäfer, M., Feser, K.: Design of the winding–bushing interconnections in large power transformers. Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik). 88, 183–190 (2006).
- Zerrer, M., Aidam, M., Feser, K., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Korrelation verschiedener Messmethoden mit Hilfe der Statistik. In: GMM EMV. pp. 121–126. VDE-Verlag (2005).
- Kurz, J.H., Markalous, S., Grosse, C.U., Reinhardt, H.: New approaches for three dimensional source location – examples from acoustic emission analysis. Presented at the European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005 , Vienna, Austria (2005).
- Markalous, S., Huber, R., Tenbohlen, S.: Onsite-Teilentladungsmessung an Leistungstransformatoren. etz. 2–4 (2005).
- Markalous, S., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: Improvement of acoustic detection and localization accuracy by sensitive electromagnetic PD measurements under oil in the UHF range. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Hayder, T., Schärli, U., Feser, K.: A Dynamic Model of Transformer with Tap Changer Using BCTRAN-Routine and 94-Type. Presented at the EEUG Meeting , Warsaw, Poland (2005).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Ölleitfähigkeit und Grenzflächenpolarisation am Öl-Papier-Dielektrikum. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung - Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Hanau, Germany (2005).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Diagnostics of Oil-Paper-Insulations Using Relaxation Currents. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Hoek, S., Riechert, U., Strehl, T., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: A New Procedure for Partial Discharge Localization in Gas-Insulated Switchgear in Frequency Domain. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Vilaithong, R., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Improved Top-oil Temperature Model for Unsteady-State Conditions of Power Transformers. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Rebholz, H., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Dielektrische Festigkeit verschiedener Gase in GIS. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung - Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Hanau, Germany (2005).
- Koch, M.: Improved Determination of Moisture in Oil-Paper-Insulations by Specialised Moisture Equilibrium Charts. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Osztermayer, J., Feser, K., Tenbohlen, S.: Real-time Condition Assessment of Power System Assets as a Vital Information Backbone for a Comprehensive Online Asset-Management. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Markalous, S., Tenbohlen, S.: Diagnose und Ortung von Teilentladungen in Leistungstransformatoren auf der Basis akustischer und elektromagnetischer UHF-Signale. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung - Grenzflächen in elektrischen Isoliersystemen , Hanau, Germany (2005).
- Denissov, D., Rebholz, H., Köhler, W., Tenbohlen, S.: Dielectric Strength of Different Gases in GIS. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Markalous, S., Tenbohlen, S., Feser, K.: New robust non-iterative algorithms for acoustic PD-localization in oil/paper-insulated transformers. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Beijing, China (2005).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Dielektrische Diagnosemethoden im Vergleich. ew Magazin für Energie und Wirtschaft. 42–45 (2005).
- Koch, M., Lange, T., Löhning, G., Schwarz, H.: Optimierung und Feldberechnung an einer impulsbasierten EMV-Systemprüfanlage. 28–33 (2005).
- Schäfer, M., Feser, K., Cardillo, E.: Thermisches Verhalten und Überlastbarkeit von Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2004 , Stuttgart (2004).
- Osztermayer, J.: Neue Ansätze im Asset-Management von elektrischen Betriebsmitteln. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2004 , Stuttgart (2004).
- Cardillo, E., Feser, K.: New Approach in Thermal Monitoring of Large Power Transformers Applied on a 350 MVA ODAF–Cooled Unit. (2004).
- Imano, A.M.: Accumulation of surface charges on the particle contaminated spacer surface in compressed gas under impulse voltage stress. Journal of Electrostatics. 1–19 (2004).
- Markalous, S.M., Feser, K.: All-Acoustic PD measurements of oil/paper-insulated transformers for PD-localization. (2004).
- Rebizant, W., Hayder, T., Schiel, L.: Prediction of CT Saturation Period for Differential Relay Adaptation Purposes. Presented at the International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2004) , Jeju, Korea (2004).
- Hayder, T., Schärli, U., Feser, K., Rebizant, W., Schiel, L.: Zustandsbasierte Selbstanpassung der Schutzfunktionen - eine Chance für bessere Empfindlichkeit und Sicherheit bei Differentialschutzeinrichtungen. Presented at the VDE-Kongress 2004 und ETG- Fachtagung , Berlin, Germany (2004).
- Koch, M., Lange, T., Löhning, G., Schwarz, H.: Optimierung und Feldberechnung an einer impulsbasierten EMV-Systemprüfanlage. Presented at the EMV 2004 , Düsseldorf, Germany (2004).
- Markalous, S.M.: Online akustische TE-Überwachung und Ortung an Transformatoren. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2004 , Stuttgart (2004).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E., Feser, K.: Algorithm of the Microprocessor Thermal Protection of oil Power Transformers. Presented at the IEE Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP) , Amsterdam, Netherlands (2004).
- Christian, J., Feser, K.: Procedures for Detecting Winding Displacements in Power Transformers by the Transfer Function Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 15, 214–220 (2004).
- Wimmer, R.M., Feser, K.: Calculation of the Transfer Function of a Power Transformer with Online Measuring Data. (2004).
- Cardillo, E., Feser, K.: Monitoring System of Large Power Transformers based on up-to-date Information Technology. Presented at the (2004).
- Hoffmann, F., Tenbohlen, S.: Wartungsarmut und reduzierte Alterung von Leistungstransformatoren durch Hermetikabschluß. Presented at the Regensburger Transformator Kolloquium , Regensburg, Germany (2004).
- Feser, K., Hayder, T., Rebizant, W., Schiel, L.: Differential Relay with Adaptation during Saturation Period of Current Transformers. (2004).
- Müller, L., Feser, K.: Die Untersuchung der Entladung elektrostatisch aufgeladener Kunststoffe. Presented at the EMV 2004 , Düsseldorf, Germany (2004).
- Kull, M., Feser, K.: Schnelle transiente Vorgänge im Kfz-Bordnetz. Presented at the EMV 2004 , Düsseldorf, Germany (2004).
- Wimmer, R., Feser, K.: Berechnung der Übertragungsfunktion aus Online-Messdaten. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung , Köln, Germany (2004).
- Rösner, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Online-Feuchtigkeitsüberwachung der festen Isolierstoffe in Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung , Köln, Germany (2004).
- Eckholz, K., Knoww, W., Schäfer, M., Feser, K., Cardillo, E.: New Developments in Transformer Cooling Calculation. Presented at the CIGRE 2004 , Paris, France (2004).
- Koch, M., Feser, K.: Reliability and Influences on Dielectric Diagnostic Methods to Evaluate the Ageing State of Oil-Paper Insulations. (2004).
- Hoek, S.M.: Partial discharge (PD) locating in gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). Presented at the (2004).
- Tenbohlen, S.: Leistungstransformatoren – Neue Trends bei Design, Produktion und Betriebsüberwachung. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2004 , Stuttgart (2004).
- Feser, K.: Entwicklungen und Aufgaben in der Hochspannungstechnik. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2004 , Stuttgart (2004).
- Koch, M., Tenbohlen, S.: Einflussgrößen und Zuverlässigkeit bei dielektrischen Diagnosemethoden zur Bestimmung des Feuchtegehalts. Presented at the Regensburger Transformator Kolloquium , Regensburg, Germany (2004).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Schnelle Emissionsmessung im Zeitbereich als zeitsparende Alternative. Presented at the EMV 2004 , Düsseldorf, Germany (2004).
- Zerrer, M., Keller, C., Feser, K., Reinhardt, U.: Fast EMC Emission Measurement in Time Domain. Presented at the SAE World Congress , Detroit, USA (2004).
- Kull, M., Feser, K., Reinhardt, U.: Measurements and Simulations of Transient Switching Phenomena in Modern Passenger Cars. Presented at the SAE World Congress , Detroit, USA (2004).
- Tenbohlen, S., Stach, M., Lainck, T., Gunkel, G.W.H., Altmann, J., Daemisch, G., Bräsel, E.: New Concepts for Prevention of Ageing by means of On-line Degassing and Drying and Hermetically Sealing of Power Transformers. Presented at the CIGRE 2004 , Paris, France (2004).
- Jung, T., Chailleux, L., Tenbohlen, S., Altwegg, J., Roussel, P., Harfouch, C.: Implementation of new monitoring tools and optimisation of maintenance through the use of Webbased technology. Presented at the IEEE/PES T&D 2004 Latin America , Sao Paulo, Brazil (2004).
- Tenbohlen, S., Kachler, A.J., Stach, M., Leibfried, T., Höhlein-Atanosova, I.: Transformer Life Management German Experience with Condition Assessment. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung , Köln, Germany (2004).
- Koch, M., Feser, K.: Vergleichende Untersuchungen an dielektrischen Diagnosemethoden für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the ETG-Fachtagung , Köln, Germany (2004).
- Wimmer, R., Feser, K., Christian, J.: Reproducibility of Transfer Function Results. Presented at the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2003 , Delft, Netherlands (2003).
- Hayder, T., Radakovic, Z., Schiel, L., Feser, K.: Einfluss der Kurzschlussdauer auf die Alterung eines Transformators. Elektrie. 57, 46–51 (2003).
- Müller, L., Fauser, E., Feser, K.: Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Brush Discharges for Charged Dielectric Material. Presented at the EMC 2003 , Zurich, Switzerland (2003).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E., Feser, K.: The influence of transformer loading to the ageing of the oil-paper insulation. Presented at the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2003 , Delft, Netherlands (2003).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Evaluation of stochastic signals for fast emission measurements in time domain. Presented at the EMC 2003 , Petersberg, Germany (2003).
- Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T., Rösner, M.: Benefit of sensors for on-line monitoring systems for power transformers. Presented at the MatPost 2003 , Lyon, France (2003).
- Tenbohlen, S., Ryder, S.A.: Making Frequency Response Analysis Measurements: A Comparison of the Swept Frequency and Low Voltage Impulse Methods. Presented at the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2003 , Delft, Netherlands (2003).
- Tenbohlen, S., Ryder, S.A.: A comparison of the swept frequency and impulse response methods for making frequency response analysis measurements. Presented at the International Conference of Doble Clients 2003 , Boston, USA (2003).
- Osztermayer, J., Feser, K.: Condition based risk management of power system asset. Presented at the International Conference of Doble Clients 2003 , Delft, Netherlands (2003).
- J. Osztermayer, J., Cardillo, E., Markalous, S., Wimmer, R., Lenz, M., Hoek, S., Feser, K.: Asset Management Based on Improved Online Monitoring Systems Applied to a 110/380 kV Substation. Presented at the IEEE 2003 Powertech , Bologna, Italy (2003).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Non-linear superposition of broadband spectra for fast emission measurements in time domain. Presented at the EMC 2003 , Zurich, Switzerland (2003).
- Radakovic, Z., Feser, K.: Some important aspects of oil power transformer thermal protection. Electrical Engineering. 86, (2003).
- Markalous, S.M., Grossmann, E., Feser, K.: Online acoustic PD-measurements of oil/paper-insulated transformers - methods and results. Presented at the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2003 , Delft, Netherlands (2003).
- Tenbohlen, S., Hofmann, F., Baum, J.: Wartungsfreiheit und Alterungsstopp durch Hermetikabschluss bei Leistungstransformatoren. Elektrizitätswirtschaft. (2003).
- Hayder, T., Schärli, U., Feser, K.: New algorithms to improve the sensitivity of differential protection of regulating transformers. Presented at the IEEE 2003 Powertech , Bologna, Italy (2003).
- Rahimpour, E., Christian, J., Feser, K., Mohseni, H.: Transfer Function Method to Diagnose Axial Displacement and Radial Deformation of Transformer Windings. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 18, 493–505 (2003).
- Radakovic, Z., Feser, K.: A New Method for the Calculation of the Hot-Spot Temperature in Power Transformers With ONAN Cooling. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 18, 1284–1292 (2003).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Improvements in the fast emission measurement in time domain. Presented at the EMC 2002 , Sorrento, Italy (2002).
- Müller, L., Feser, K., Pfendtner, R., Fauser, E.: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Entladung elektrostatisch aufgeladener Kunststoffe. Presented at the EMV , Düsseldorf, Germany (2002).
- Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Technische Möglichkeiten und Wirtschaftlichkeit von online Monitoringsystemen für Leistungstransformatoren. Presented at the Micafil Symposium 2002 , Stuttgart, Germany (2002).
- Tenbohlen, S., Pudlo, G., Linders, M., Krost, G.: Transformator Monitoring Thermisches Modell Überlastrechnung Alterung Ölfeuchte. Presented at the ETG Fachtagung - Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2002).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E., Feser, K.: Temperature Distribution in Windings of Transformers with natural Oil circulation_. Presented at the ICEM 2020 , Bruges, Belgium (2002).
- Osztermayer, J., Zhang, H.G., Feser, K.: Enhanced Competitiveness with a Modern Asset Management System. Presented at the International Symposium on Modern Electric Power Systems (MEPS) 2002 , Wroclaw, Poland (2002).
- Pudlo, G., Tenbohlen, S., Krost, G., Linders, M.: Integration of Power Transformer Monitoring and Overload Calculation into the Power System Control Surface. Presented at the IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference 2002 , Yokohama, Japan (2002).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Schnelle Emissionsmessung im Zeitbereich. Presented at the EMV , Düsseldorf, Germany (2002).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E., Feser, K., Schäfer, M.: Thermal behaviour of transformers with natural oil convection cooling. Presented at the ETG Fachtagung - Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel , Berlin, Germany (2002).
- Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T., Bastos, G., Baldauf, J., Mayer, P., Stach, M., Breitenbauch, B., Huber, R.: Experienced-based Evaluation of Economic Benefits of On-line Monitoring Systems for Power Transformers. Presented at the CIGRE 2002 , Paris, France (2002).
- Müller, L., Feser, K.: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Surface Discharges for Charged Dielectric Materials. Presented at the CEID 2002 , Cancun, Mexico (2002).
- Müller, L., Feser, K.: Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Surface Discharges for Charged Dielectric Material. Presented at the EMC 2002 , Sorrento, Italy (2002).
- Radakovic, Z., Cardillo, E.: Temperature Distribution in Windings of Transformers with natural Oil circulation. Presented at the (2002).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: A New Method of Emission Measurement. Presented at the IEEE 2002 , Minneapolis, USA (2002).
- Müller, L., Feser, K., Fauser, E.: Untersuchung von Gleitentladungen und deren Modellierung durch Funkengesetze im Vergleich zu Gasentladungen. Presented at the EMV , Düsseldorf, Germany (2001).
- Keller, C., Feser, K., Haala, J., Wiesbeck, W.: Numerische und meßtechnische Bestimmung der Qualität einer Absorberhalle mit verschiedenen Groundplane-Konfigurationen für die Emissionsmessung. Presented at the EMV , Düsseldorf, Germany (2001).
- Stach, M., Tenbohlen, S., Stirl, T.: Assessment of Overload Capacity of Power Transformers by On-line Monitoring Systems. Presented at the IEEE 2001 , Columbus, Ohio, USA (2001).
- Keller, C., Feser, K.: Fast emission measurements in time domain. Presented at the EMC 2001 , Zurich, Switzerland (2001).
- Tenbohlen, S., Uhde, D., Poittevin, J., Sundermann, U., Borsi, H., Werle, P., Matthes, H.: Enhanced Diagnosis of Power Transformers using On- and Off-line Methods: Results, Examples and Future Trends. Presented at the CIGRE 2000 , Paris, France (2001).
- Tenbohlen, S., Schäfer, M., Matthes, H.: Beurteilung der Überlastbarkeit von Transformatoren mit online Monitoringsystemen. Elektrizitätswirtschaft. 1–5 (1999).